I’ve been a Beechick fan for almost two decades! I could’ve written crulywhirly’s post! I tell new moms with young children about her 3Rs book quite often.
I have a friend who never uses the phone book, just her phone to find info. She was astounded by the fact that I’m still using a phone book, but suggested that it’s our age difference (I’m five years older.) Maybe there was a point when this quit being taught in public school…..along with so many other things. It happens to be one of the ways I teach the kids how to alphabetize, or at least how to check their understanding of it. Using the dictionary and encyclopedias are another way to teach this….are these skills taught in schools anymore?
Sometimes, when I think of all the things that aren’t being taught anymore, it causes me to wonder just what skills are being taught? If Beechicks books were used as a teacher reference book, skills could be taught simply and inexpensively. They’d be a good investment of tax payer $, IF they were actually used by classroom teachers.