Awww, Cindy you are so sweet!!!!!! I’m hanging in there 🙂 I am healing well from the surgery. I had some trouble the middle of this week with some bad cramping and diarrhea. 2 days worth 🙁 When I went for my post op appt with the surgeon he said that sometimes that happens and that if it happens again & is persistent then I will have to go to a GI dr and get put on some meds. That was very disheartening 🙁 But I have been doing well since so that gives me a little hope that maybe I will be able to skip out on the meds. I also went to my OB for a post op appt and the baby seems to be doing well. I have my mid pg u/s in another month so I will be looking forward to seeing the little peanut. But hearbeat is good so that keeps me positive. I really think I felt him/her moving around last night 🙂 The OB could feel him/her moving at my appt. He kept moving from the doppler thingy. Already being a stinker. He/she will fit right in here 🙂
Another blessing to update you with… our homeschool group will be starting a co-op in the fall and any child 1-12 grade can participate. I told my son the details and he said to me, “Mom wouldn’t that be cool if God organized this just for me?” I told him it would be awesome and I wouldn’t doubt if it was. He just wants to be around other kids and make friends. I know that is what his heart is wanting. I can understand. Don’t we all want to have friends to care about us, help us, pray with us. So much so that when we don’t find them in real life we come on the net. And thank God for it because I don’t have many people in real life that share the same hearts desire for their family and children as I do.
I am so thankful for this forum. For all the support I have been receiving and prayers. Thank you Cindy so much for asking how I was. It is nice to know someone is thinking and praying for you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I know the last few months have been really rough and this is one place that has definetly been a blessing!! Thank you everyone for listening and helping and praying!!!!!
So glad you are recovering and that the little one is doing well – I am also thrilled for your son regarding the co-op, that will be fabulous. Keep doing what the doctors say, get your rest, and we will keep praying. Hugs – Linda
I had been watching for your reply but missed it somehow. I’m so glad for you! Praise God! Will you want to know if your little punky is a girl or boy?
I wondered what happened. You asked and then disappeared, lol.
Oh yes 🙂 We are planners! I would go crazy not knowing. I mean if it were times where they couldn’t tell ya, then obviously I’d have to be ok with it. But technology, technology, how we love thee 🙂 I’ll definetly keep ya posted 😉