yesterday's classics – is this a good deal?

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  • trulyblessed26

    Hi there,

    I ran across this special on ebooks from yesterday’s classics (essentially 225 ebooks for $99. This link says $149 but I saw an ad for $99 but just don’t have the link)

    We haven’t started year one yet fully, so my questions are: are these books you would read for school work or just leisure? Are they good character books? Are these all just books from google books that I could download for free?  I have never ordered anything from yesterday’s classics so any opinion on them and/or this package would be fabulous.  Thank you! 🙂



    We ordered the set last year for that price and we LOVE the books.  I know you can get some of them for free, though I don’t know if the free ones all have pictures or are formatted as nicely.  We’re quite happy with the purchase, but we used Christmas money from last year to purchase.  If you’re VERY short on money, then you’re probably better off just getting only  the books you want for free and then purchasing the ones you can’t get for free as you plan on using them. 


    Some of the books you can get for free from places like Project Gutenberg – but the Yesterday’s Classics books are formatted much nicer.

    We were reading something – I think “An(/Our) Island Story” when we were doing AO and I had the Project Gutenberg one on my Kindle… but everytime the word Caesar (often) came up, it was messed up… along with some other typos caused by scans.  I downloaded the Yesterday’s Classics version from Amazon – just the trial chapters – and it was SO MUCH NICER.  The free version we had didn’t have the pictures.  The font was nicer.  And no typos that I could see. 

    I haven’t bought the deal, although I’d love too… but just because I have an extremely limited amount of money to work with.  


    Oh, that said, I have found some very nice free books… don’t know if any are the same as the Yesterday’s Classics bundle or not.

    Another great place for Ebooks (History or historical fiction) is Heritage History… they have ebooks for a very low price, and give you 3 formats for the price… pdf, epub, and mobi(kindle)



    I bought the Yesterday’s Classics books last year. Most of them are available at Gutenberg (or even for free on Amazon), but what you are really paying for, in my opinion, is the excellent formatting and the inclusion of pictures (if the book contains any).

    The ability to jump from chapter to chapter, to read the table to contents, and to read without the distraction of copyright information in the middle of the page – ah, it really is worth the price!

    One thing I love to do when we are reading a historical figure (since I have all of the Yesterday’s Classics books on my Kindle) is search for the name (this week was Benjamin Franklin). I see how many different books talk about him, decide if I want to assign any of those books for reading, and save some of the stories for read-alouds. We’ve found some read gems that way.

    One of the frustrating things about ordering all of the books is then organizing them into categories on your Kindle!! I still have about 17 pages of books because I never did finish categorizing them. One more thing on my to-do list…


    trulyblessed26 – I got them as an item to review and love them. Here is my original review: You can read my reasons in that post.

    jawgee – There should be a file or two in the Yesterday’s Classics that shows the books divided into categories already. One is labeled book descriptions, that’s the one I used. When I got mine (it’s a product I reviewed) I opened that PDF on my computer and made a Kindle folder with the first category (World History). Then I went through and put a check in my Kindle by every book they had listed for World History. I repeated that with the next category (Children of the World), and so on. Finally they were all organized, and I didn’t have to be familiar with any of the books to do it!

    Yes, it did take a while, but the time was worth it.


    We bought the set and have been happy with the selection of books.  If you have an ereader device to read them on, I would say it’s a good deal. 

    On the other hand, if you are planning to read them off your computer or on a tablet with a good browser and easy internet access, remember that they are all free to read online at, which are the same books (plus more that aren’t on Yesterday’s Classics) with the same good formatting, minimal typos, etc.  It’s not quite as handy as having them all downloaded on your device, but it’s a cost effective alternative. 

    The same is true for the Heritage History books – you can read them online.


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