Yesterday's Classics ebook sale

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  • RobinP

    Yesterday’s Classics is running their holiday sale of 225 ebooks for $49.95.

    In addition they have released an additional 106 ebooks that are on sale as well. I love how they have divided Handbook of Nature Study into sections.

    I really like the format of their ebooks. I don’t enjoy ebooks at all, usually, but all these have been exceptional.

    Ok so I have the original set of ebooks, and I see she is offering a second smaller set for $50… doesn’t feel like nearly as good of a deal, especially because I already have some of them. But really what I was wondering is if anyone here has signed up for the Gateway to Classics thing. I don’t see myself doing it now with everything else going on and resources i already have, but would love to hear any thoughts on it.


    Well, I haven’t used the Gateway to Classics – and most of the people I’ve heard that have it have it for the books….

    And I don’t know for sure – but it looks to me like the treasury2 is a lot of those books?

    But I might be wrong…


    Lisa said all the books were included in Gateway so not to purchase the package if one were a member.

    Yes, set 2 is all on Gateway, so you get all the e-books either way. But set 1 e-books are not available on Gateway (online versions are there, but not the e-books). Unfortunately for me, though, she says they are not selling the set 1 books individually. And they don’t seem to be available for purchase through Amazon/Kindle either. Bummer. 


    So am I understanding correctly that if you use Gateway to the Classics you have access to all of these books included in the 50/year?  Or do you have to purchase the books on top of spending the money to use the cirriculium builder?


    Just bought them! So excited

    amyjane — you have access to all the books online (and at least the 1st set is free for online reading through the sister site of Ballwin Project / MainLesson), but it’s only the 2nd set of ebooks that you have access to with Gateway.

    Essentially, you can get all of the 2nd set of ebooks for no extra charge when you sign up for a year of Gateway, which also gives you access to the future ebooks for that year, and the scheduling stuff. But the 1st set of ebooks is only available as a separate purchase (although many if not all of the 1st set titles are available as individual ebook purchases).

    Does that make sense? It sounds very confusing when I read over it.



    so i can get access to 2nd set plus all the new ones they add but the 1st set (which is the ones on sale right now) are not available.  Is that correct?  Sorry 🙁


    As ebooks, that is correct… reading the books online books are a different story. That is my understanding.

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