Don’t stress. Try inter-library loan, if you can’t get it that way just skip it… or I’m sure that the lovely ladies on this forum may have alternate suggestions. It’s just a short picture book that points out how it’s impossible for all of us to have just evolved slowly over time as opposed to being created on purpose by a magnificent creator. You could teach your child the same lesson over and over again just in your weekly nature study – for example, we “grew” two baby catterpillars, they were the SAME kind and grew the same, and formed Chrysalisses on the SAME day, yet ONE was brown and one was BRIGHT green – HOW is that possible???? Well, one was attached to a piece of brown wood admidst other brown leafless branches, the other was attached much lower down on the wood, surrounded by mint leaves and the Parsley that they ate, the green one blended in BEAUTIFULLY with the fresh green leaves and the brown one blended in perfectly with the brown branches that surrounded it. Now, HOW could these creatures have just evolved the capability to effortlessly blend in with their surroundings? It’s impossible, if by nature they all formed green chrysalisses they would have been likely extinct many years ago, because birds would have eaten the ones that were obviously green admid brown branches. That’s just a little example, but when you really teach your children to think and reason as opposed to just making them learn information and recite it back, they will naturally see how preposterous evolution is.
You know – I wonder if a regular mom could just video herself reading the book and put it on you-tube and we could pass the link around for those that can’t get it. I’m not sure if it would be a copyright violation since it’s out of print and the worst that would probably happen is that they would ask you to take it down. Hmmmm.
Yes I saw the chinese ones ,too they are only 15 $, maybe it’s worth to learn chinese?? *lol* I found it in a library about an hour from here, so if nothing else guess that would be an option. Thank you 3littlegirls for the link I haven’t seen it before. Maybe I find something similar to this story. I remeber someone talking once about a watch found by a hiker on a bench in the woods. The question was, is it more likely that someone made the watch and left it there or all the pieces just randomly developed and put themselves together to make a watch right at this spot?
Update – my library was able to get it for me from an library several hundered miles away exactly at the time I need it! Yeah God is great! Absolutely love the book by the way – think it is not only great for young children but also in “adult” creation vs evolution discussions:)
Our interlibrary can get books out of state but it does cost $. I’m not sure how much because I’ve never had to look into it. So glad you were able to get a copy!
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