I feel like my dc don’t have any school books. And when I say this I realize that I sound very “schoolish.” For a while, I thought I was doing something wrong. We have copy work and a nature journal. Am I missing anything for these years?
When the random papers arise, I don’t know where to store them.
Thats all mine have at first too. We keep loose papers in a folder and then to a file box when the folder is full, with a clip to keep the years seperate. They also have draw write now books for those years as well. Its simple but enough for me.
I think the lack of papers has a lot to do with oral narrations. Think how easy CM educating is on paper clutter! I know that there is more written work later on, and I do believe that CM used more notebooks (as in Book of Centuries, Common Place Book etc.) But I don’t those are necessary at the beginning. Like Kristen, each of my children have a sturdy folder, we keep loose papers in there and aside from that they have copywork and nature notebooks. My oldest likes to draw his narrations for science and sometimes history so he keeps those. The only other thing i can think of is that I sometimes write down their end of term narrations, which I have not done much this year actually. (That’s fun to go back and look at later on! I recently came across the folder from my son’s first year, was fun reading his narration about Abraham.) We do use addtional paper for math work, but I don’t save them. Unless you are required to document school work in your state by a student portfolio, I would not be too concerned and enjoy the evidence of all the school work in the people your children are becoming. (Although I will say it is quite weird at first to have no paper trail!)
I keep a folder for each of my children’s loose papers. Mostly math. At the end of the year, I choose a few to keep as samples and put the rest at the back of my file box to throw out at the end of the next year. Once artwork has been displayed for a while, I punch holes in it and store in a binder. Each child has one, and each enjoys looking over past artwork. Copywork is done in sewn notebooks that have become keepsakes! I like that our “paperwork” is meaningful.
The worst thing about oral narrations is the lack of paper!! *L* I always feel like I need to “prove” we do actually learn things to our local school superintendent (PA law). So, not having anything tangible is very scary to me.
My kids have a science binder, history binder, and a composition book. They use the composition book for coypwork, dictation, grammar, writing, and our drawing lessons. For nature notebooks, they use mini-composition notebooks or hand-made mini-books (8.5×11 paper folded and sewn into a book). My preschooler just has a binder.
Last year they just had a binder and their composition book, but our current science and history programs require a seperate binder. When we just had one binder per child, we seperated the subjects with page dividers.
This year with mine in 5,4,3 &K (for the older three) I have added sketch books for history narration drawings, they have composition notebooks as well like Holly does, and I just gave them notebooks for science to draw the experiment and write vocabulary words. I use AIG for science and SCM history guides. For math we have been using CLE and I usually just keep the quizzes and tests but soon we are switching to Teaching Textbooks so all those math papers will no longer be an issue!
HollyS, when they are using the comp book, is it separated into categories or do they just use the next page? I was thinking of using the binder with subject dividers. I need to gather data for dd records and that seems the most efficient with the minimal amount of writing that we do.
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