Year Round Schooling

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  • Britney

    Do any of you school year round starting in August? I want to begin schooling year round and my CRS’s “year” is August through July. The attendance sheets are to be turned in when we register for next year which is in July. So I assume if I school year round I will need to begin in August. I plan to do 6 weeks on/1 week off with extra breaks for Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, spring and summer trips, etc. I’m curious how some of you schedule your year round schooling and if any of you must begin in August.


    We’ve started in June/July for our “new year”, in the past and are going to start in July this year. I’m also going to try a 6 week on, 1 week off rotation this year, with an “exam week” at the end of each term that will be an additional week/differernt sort of schedule/light week.  We will ebb and flow where needed, but that’s what I’m aiming for as far as planning.  We’ll take off all of December (keeping some basics going, but not full schedule) as well.

    Our public schools here start in August, but home schools are not required to start then.



    We do!  Not because we have to, it just works out better for us.  We take off about 1 week/month, except for December and June.  We take off longer in December for Christmas and June has VBS and a Christian camp that the kids like to attend.  I just make sure we get in at least 180 days.  We usually go over.  I count any day with 3 hours of educational activities or lessons as school.  If I spend an entire Saturday morning in the garden with my kids it counts towards their school time.  I live in Kansas, so I do not have to turn in anything, but I use the CM organizer  to keep it all together for my own peace of mind. 



    We do!!!  We start in August and have all birthdays off, we have a day called “kids day” it’s in Oct., my kids chose their late grandfather’s birthday.  We take 3 wks. off at Christmas, but not a long summer break.


    We school year round starting in July–usually the first full week after July 4th.  We take 3 weeks off in June and 3 weeks off at Christmas.  The rest of the year is 3 weeks on with 1 week off.  This schedule is a wonderful fit for our family.






    We do school year round, beginning the day after Labor Day in Sept, and ending in August. We really like it! I started out as a scheduling freak, and then realized that I’m organized, but I don’t like to be tied down if I want a day off here or there. So, we have school every day for a few weeks, and then we’ll take a day or two off. We may or may not have an entire month off this summer, depending on how well we retain things the rest of the spring. I like the flexibility of year round schooling. And, it wouldn’t excite me at all to have a 3-month break and discover my children needed a month of review because they had forgotten.



    Thanks so much ladies! I can’t wait to start year round schooling this August!!

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