Year-end movie: Asia?

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  • Sue

    Typically, as the end of the school year approaches, we take an afternoon and watch a movie that is related to literature or history we’ve studied during the past year.  We have been in Modern Times but have also been covering Asia for geography.

    Any movie ideas, anyone?  I was thinking maybe China Cry (the story of Nora Lam), but then I also thought about The Inn of the Sixth Happiness.  I haven’t seen the latter in many, many years, and I don’t know if it is close to Gladys Aylward’s life or mostly Hollywood fluff.

    Any feedback on those two movies would be appreciated as well as other suggestions.


    Suggestions or comments, anyone?

    Rachel White

    My understanding is Aylward liked the Inn… except the ending: she never kissed the guy. And something about not being as beautiful as Ingrid Bergman! 😁 There were few who were! You can look up to confirm.

    Also, Anna and the King (Jodie Foster) and The King and I musical.

    Finding on about what happened during Mao’s muderous Cultural Revolution would be good.


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