I stumbled across http://www.schoolhouseteachers.com by This Old Schoolhouse magazine tonight as I researched for a friend. Has anyone had any experience with this online resource?
I was a member of this site for some months, due to my subscription carrying over. I did not renew. There is a lot of material available there–but IMO most of it is pretty shallow and not a lot of meat to it. You might get a “lesson” on geography that just tells you to look something up. Well. If you had very young children, maybe you could get some use–but even the high school level materials seemed shallow to me. We hardly ever used ANYTHING from it, despite my hopefully showing up month after month to see what they’d added.
petitemom, you would NOT need a laptop for each child. The vast majority of the site is simply information, which you read to the child, download the activity sheet, and complete it with your children. For most of the topics–that’s it.