Written Narration W Notebooking Pages

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  • kellywright006

    Hi All:I am wondering if it is a good idea or not, to try to print off coordinating notebooking pages to go along with the SCM Modules? This seems like a lot of work on my part to set it all up, but it seems like it would be so nice in the end. I do not feel up to purchasing the $!100 subscription to the notebooking pages treasury. Does anyone have a suggestion for notebooking pages? Or have a better suggestion for doing all this?Kelly Wright


    My girls seem to like notebook pages as a way to review what they just heard – and for something to color while I’m reading. So I try (TRY! *L*) to just find free printables the night before and have them printed and hole-punched and ready to use.

    I dont’ have any particular website i use – I just search for whatever the topic is (Grover Cleveland, Booker T. Washington, Statue of Liberty, etc.)



    I personally use sewn composition notebooks. I hate printing and I hate too much time being wasted on the choosing. I have books for each subject for each kid and we simply add to as we go. For my dd6, I have 1 sewn book that is blank on top and has primary lines at the bottom. This works well for us.

    ETA – I have purchased all of the different notebooking pages – Notebooking Pages, Notebooking Nook, History Scribe, etc – I still like the plain books.


    *LOL* I agree with missceegee!  I have LOTS of notebooking options, but I find that my ds does a much better job doing it on his own.  I will be phasing out pages this new school year.  We start tomorrow!


    Missceegee, do you mean to say that each subject is in a comp book?  This means then that you do not use 3 ring binders for anything? I want to know more, PM on the way!


    Do they just take out their notebooks when you read and draw, etc. while you’re reading? Or do they wait until you’re done?


    1st – 6th GRADE: Here is an idea, that I don’t really use, but like – http://www.charlottemasonhelp.com/2009/09/organizational-tools-for-grades-k-6.html

    7TH – 12TH GRADE: I use this idea – http://www.charlottemasonhelp.com/2009/09/organizational-tools-for-grades-7-12.htm

    DD12 is in 6th. She currently uses

    • a beautiful journal type book she uses for commonplace quotes 
    • as many sewn composition books as we have subjects. I use stick on index tabs to label each set of narrations within the books. 

      • This term – Bible, Thinline Book of Centuries (the one I created and SCM sells, but the new updated version), Literature (for creative narrations on Oliver Twist this year), History (summary narrations on a variety of books incl any from our SCM studies), nature journal (bought blank 90 lb mixed media). I have others labeled ready to go when needed. 

    I do not use many binders because they take up a lot of space. I often spiral bind things with my Pro-Click, if needed. 


    @Mrs.K – I don’t have any kids who want to draw while I’m reading, usually. On ocassion, someone will use a historical coloring page, but that is rare here. If they were interested in doing so and paid attention, that would be fine with me. 


    Hope that helps to see how one family does it. 




    The link for 7-12 grade is no longer available.  Would you be able to write a summary of the idea?  Thanks


    The link works for me still. Weird. Here it is copied…

    Organizational tools for Grades 7-12

    We buy 50 cent sewn composition books and label them by subject. All written narrations go inside these. If one fills up, we start another. No need to start a new one each year unless the book is filled. Entries are dated. We add labels to the page edges, inserting the name of the school book being narrated into the tab. We had such a hodge-podge of notebooks with my first two children, but now that we use only bound composition books, the shelves are neater and everything is much easier to find.
    Some examples include:HistoryNatural ScienceLiteratureMath- the math composition books have graph paper inside rather than lined.MusicArtHealthLogicWorld viewsBibleQuote Book (commonplace)Century Books
    We print them out and put all of them from yrs 7-12 in order by date into one medium size binder that doesn’t have holes but a mechanism that presses the sheets down to hold them in place. As new ones are completed, we add them to it.

    needs a thick notebook, so we use a spiral 5 subject notebook for each year.
    Sketches are in a portfolio from a craft store.

    NATURE JOURNALScontinue but the children are serious watercolor artists by this age, so  they rip their own paper and bind their own journals.

    That’s it. This is all we do.
    “Keep it Simple.”
    That’s my motto.


    We use the History/Bible Scribe notebook pages from Westvon: http://www.currclick.com/browse.php?manufacturers_id=90

    They are 99 cents per book and line up fairly well with the modules.

    Here are some sample pages: http://www.historyscribe.com/hs-system.htm


    Thank you Christie!!!


    Thank-You everyone for sharing! It is so wonderful to hear what you linke-minded women do!  🙂


    when you wrote this:  (as many sewn composition books as we have subjects. I use stick on index tabs to label each set of narrations within the books).  If each subject has it’s own book, what are the index tabs for? Can you explain how you use tabs within each subject?




    Kelly – I’ll give an example. 

    DD12 is currently writing narrations for Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt in her history composition book. However, she will not fill up the composition book with narrations from this one book. I stick on an index tab every time she begins narrating a new book. So the tabs will have the titles of the books narrated in that section. Think of it like an indexed Bible.


    Now I can picture it! That is a great idea.  I’ll be a copycat on that one!  Tongue out  Thanks!

    Ok, on the composition notebook tabs, let’s say there are a couple of history books being read concurrently…like let’s say:

    – Ancient Egypt and Her Motherhood (all year),

    – Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt (intermittent),

    – Golden Goblet (10 weeks straight)

    – something from American history

    So would you try to guess how much space she needs for each of those books and place the trans accordingly, or is the composition book just replete with tabs as she bounces back and forth over many months and multiple concurrent books?


    I only have her writing narrations for one history book at a time. Other books are narrated orally. There is only one tab per book narrated.

    Currently she is writing:

    • 1 summary narration weekly on Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt
    • 1 narration weekly on the most important current event of the week
    • 1 creative narration weekly on Oliver Twist which she is reading slowly 1 ch per week all year
    • taking notes as she goes through personal dev. books like Beautiful Girlhood, Pursuit of Holiness, etc.
    • occ. entry in Geography NB from Book of Marvels readings (more often she just researches on her own time)

    Other Writing:

    • Other writing with the Beyond the Book Report class I’m teaching at co-op is in a binder (this is a temporary class)
    • 1-3 entries per week in her commonplace book
    • 1-2 entries per week in her Doctrine NB
    • 1 time per week to make entries in her BOC

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