Writing Tales– Need teacher's guide?

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  • 4myboys

    Writing Tales looks very good to me, I like the presentation and the style, but I wonder, is the teacher’s guide necessary?  It looks pretty straight forward to me, and from what I see most of it should be doable independantly.  What has the guide got that makes it essential?


    I did not find a need for them. However,I did buy them because so many reviews indicated that you should so if you decide you want them, I’d sell very cheap 🙂 It is a good program and my children did it pretty much independantly( except for the editing)We did that together… The stories do get long so it is alot of writing… I got less complaints when I decided to let them type it on computer….To actually answer your question, the guides do have some teaching instructions that are not in the student books… like playing a game similar to red light ,green light but used to explain commas and periods. Grammar instructions etc..but mainly it’s a lesson plan of read the story to your child then a few discussion questions ( who’s the main characters, what’s the conflict?)  and then there are the exact student pages but with answers when applicable (vocabulary definitions or with all the nouns circled etc..)… I thought the student books were self explanatory and didn’t do any extra teaching other than when we went through their rough draft to edit…

    Hope that helps 🙂



    Thanks, Amy.  I keep going back and forth between ILL and Writing Tales for my older son with dysgraphia.  He’s going into sixth grade and I want him to have some real solid writing experience this year.  He normally dictates narrations to me and I write it in his notebook.  Sometimes he copies a portion of it into his notebook himself.  We are really working on typing this year, and I think once he gets proficient enough, things will go much smoother.  He was in PS up to the end of 4th grade, and we did Queen’s Language Lessons for the Elementary Child this year, so he has some grammar back ground.  I’m thinking Writing Tales might offer him more structure and more cut and dry lessons without me having to go through everything and figure out what I’m going to keep in or leave out as I would with ILL.  Even if he used it for 6th and 7th I would have to leave out a lot of the lessons in order to make it work, I think.  I’d really like to use Jump-In for jr. high. 

    I am wondering if it would be best to start with level 1 or 2 as he is inexperienced and has this particular challenge — the lesson length in level 2 might be a bit much to start, but he is nearly 12.  I have a younger son who will be 8 next month going into 3rd who I would put in level 1 quite comfortably. 

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