Writing Programs

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  • Jennifer

    We are changing over to SCM in the fall and I am following the curriculum suggestions given by SCM.  I have a 2nd, 4th, and 6th grader.  I am not worried about my 2nd grader, but I am wondering about a writing program for my 4th and especially my 6th grader.  Right now, I am going to do SW and ULW for both of them, Simply Grammar for my 4th grader (who HATES writing.  I mean, he doesn’t even like fill in the blank work!), and Analytical Grammar for my 6th grader.  But should I add a writing program for my oldest if not for the 4th grader as well?  My oldest loves to write creatively.  But she hasn’t had a lot of experience writing composition papers, etc.  Is what I listed enough or should I add a writing course?  And does anyone have recommendations?  Thank you so much!


    Just my opinion: you don’t need a writing program for their ages/grades.  And, if you are already using ULW/SW, you don’t need to add in the other grammar programs. Copywork, dictation, oral narration/written narration, and reading quality literature should be plenty for now.

    Oral narration is plenty and should be mastered before written is expected. You may want to slowly add in written narrations once a week, or so,  from your 6th grader.

    If your daughter is already writing, then let her do so. Maybe once a week, use her creative writing papers as a springboard for teaching grammar/parts of speech as you edit it together.

    That’s all I’ve got for now. I’m certain you’ll receive a lot of suggestions for the other moms.

    And, there is a thread around her somewhere, I just can’t find it right now, that addresses writing programs. It may help you as well.


    Hi and welcome Jennifer! 🙂

    We’ve been discussing writing around here recently so I will bump a couple of threads for you.


    And here’s a recent blog post from Sonya concerning this topic.



    Thank you so much, all!  I am still trying to master the comparison bug.  We just finished our first year of homeschooling, and I was a PS kid, so I am still getting used to thinking outside the brick and mortar box.  I will (attempt) not to worry and stick with what I have planned!  I appreciate the encouragement and validation.  Haha!


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