Writing program with co-op or on our own??

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  • my3boys

    I think I know what I want to do with my ds, or better yet, what I DON’T want to do with him, which is to not overwhelm, but I am still a bit unsure.

    We have an opportunity to do a writing co-op class this coming year. Unfortunately, they are not reading from books or using a program that I would use.  At this point, I have not narrowed down what I want to use, if anything, besides narrations and some handbooks I have for guidance.  The books that will be read are not twaddle, but I don’t know that I would have had my ds read all of them and I’m almost certain the program is not CM-friendly. There are several other books I would rather have him read in place of these (not that they are bad) and I just know that with his reading skills, he will have a lot on his plate.

    I think I’m thinking that this will be helpful to him (accountability) but I think that I’d like to use what I have (Lightning Literature and other guides) and not get side-tracked by the co-op “bling.”

    If they were using what I’d use then I guess it’d be a no-brainer, but that is just not the case.

    What would you do??


    What age is he?

    Do you think he would enjoy it, or would it be drudgery for him?

    Would it help you fulfill some goals you have for him?

    Would the co-op interfere with other (more important) learning?

    Is the cost reasonable?


    Sorry, not enough infoLaughing.

    9th grade

    Enjoy? Not sure…he is obedient so he would do the work and possibly enjoy some of it.

    Well, the books could count for character but I had already chosen the Ralph Moody series (I’m pre-reading the first and it is great!).

    Would this class interfere with other (more important) learning??  I’m not sure.  That’s the question I’m having the hardest time with.  I’m not crazy about classes that have too much homework.  It seems that what I had planned to do has to get placed on the back burner or the student is overwhelmed by too many subjects/programs.  Like I said, it would be OK if it were taking something off of my plate by using books I would’ve used, but that’s not the case.

    The cost is very reasonable, almost embarrassing.


    All it sounds like to me is that it is adding some stress to your life in more ways than one! It sounds like it is not really what you want or need, but the idea or cost is making it have some “bling.” I am thinking that you need to pass on it and concentrate on what you really want him to do. =)


    I wouldn’t do it.

    jill smith

    We have been involved ina co-op for 3 years now and this year my children also a 9th grade boy said to me “Cna we please just stay home”. So we are. To much time away from home makes for to mcuh stress for us. Its not the money either its cheap , but jus the stress of every Wednesday at 9 am. I woud pass also. Hope this helps.:)


    Thanks for the advice everyone.  I do fall in the camp that says, “More is better, right?”  So, I do tend to overplan, overschedule, over do it.  I need to not do that this year, especially, for this particular child of mine.  You think to yourself that it’s only one class, it may be helpful/good books, etc., but in the end, it brings stress throughout the week to accomplish work that was not originally in the plan, even if it is good.  I mean they are good books, but they were not a part of the plan for this year.  Even the writing portion seems harmless, but I really had a plan this year (CM plan) and I really don’t want to deviate from it as I think it is best for him. 


    Thanks for the encouragement and your clear understanding of how these seemingly simple decisions take time.


    In my opinion, co-op should relieve stress, not cause it. Yes, I have the prep work for co-op, but its for classes I want for my kids anyway.

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