writing program confusion

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    I do not know what to do, just started “write with the best” and although I like it I do not love it.

    I am wondering if anyone has used it and made it work, I am thinking to possibly skip the exercise every lesson where they ask to underline vers,advers,noun, adjectives. I find it pretty hard to correct and it is boring the kids to death!

    I am thinking to look for something else for next year.

    What are some suggestions? (for 6th and 8th grade)

    Jump in is one I considere, is it long-difficult to correct? Is it very teacher led?

    I need something easy to use yet effective in teaching different writing styles. Something that could be covered in 36 weeks would be best since I am sending my oldest to private school after that.


    Boy, we sound alike! I used WWtB w/my currently 8th gr. daughter. She didn’t like it. Then we switched to Jump In which was better. And she’s also going to private school next year for high school:)  

    Jump In is pretty independent for the kids. I don’t do much except read her papers and offer any suggestions for improvement. She does all the skill-building before the paper writing independently…it’s written to the student. I had mistakenly thought it was a 1-yr. program. She’s been at it about 1 1/2 yrs. and now we’re doubling up because I’d like her to finish it before going to school(we dropped our Algebra since we decided to have her re-take as a freshman…so it doubling up for writing isn’t too bad).  

    It would work fine for a 6th grader, too. My 5th grader just started it a week or so ago(he’ll be 12 in July) and is having no trouble working independently at it(hasn’t gotten to a paper yet). 

    Now, if you wanted to complete it in one year I think it might be doable if you have a plan upfront. I just let my daughter go at it, and as I look back at many of the independent assignments some are pretty short and could have been doubled up.  Also, on the writing projects you have a varied amount of time to finish. It might say, “Day 1-3 do…..” If you always required the lesser amount of days you could go through the book more quickly. I let me daughter do it too independently and she’d take the max # of days…if a paper was to take 5-10 days she’d take 10 even though she very well could have done it in five:)

    Hope that makes sense. If it were me, I might buy it for my youngest and then see if I thought I could get it down to 36-weeks and still cover well the topics I wanted to. Hope that helps some! Blessings, Gina


    Thanks, I had not seen your reply!

    I do wish I had started Jump in this year and would have done it in 2 years.

    Anyway, he is doing pretty good w/written narration and he does like to write so we’ll do what we can w/that. 

    I would probably use it for my second child for 7 and 8 grade.

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