Writing a Report

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  • Rebekahy

    I’d like to have my daughter write a report on a famous person, but I don’t think I own any resources to help me guide her… I’d love an outline – she knows how to write paragraphs and write fiction beautifully – she’s almost 9.



    OK, I know SOMEONE has SOMETHING for me!  Smile


    I’m not sure if this is what you’re looking for. Were you wanting to teach her how to write an outline?



    No, an outline I think I can handle.  I just remember doing state reports and famous person reports in grammar school and outside of remembering that the first day we learned how to write an introduction… I don’t really know what to tell her for what should come next (TOTAL pregnancy brain I think – or too much writing in college – I can’t break it down to simple pieces). 

    I guess I’m looking for a “formula” that talks about Title page and table of contents and bibliography and then the content of the report, but I don’t want to forget anything.


    Thanks that does look like what I”m looking for… I’ll have to see if they have it in stock at my local homeschool store – wish it was a download, hate to pay for shipping on such a small item.


    Here are a few ersources. Not sure if these are useful or not, but after reading your post, I thought my almost 9 dd would love to do this as well.


    http://www.videojug.com/interview/elementary-school-report-tips (this is a neat video, but watch out for the ads at the beginning)

    http://custom-writing.org/blog/writing-tips/17.html (this is at a higher level but there are some good ideas)

    http://www.atozteacherstuff.com/pages/504.shtml (geared toward teachers not parents)

    Thanks for the prompt, Rebekah…. we’d better get busy. 🙂


    Thanks Jenni – that’s getting closer to what I want – I like the custom-writing one, but do need something for 3-4th grade.

    There has to be SOMETHING out there.  Do Homeschoolers not write reports?  Is it part of your LA program?

    There’s got to be a simple checklist or something… somewhere.


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