Writer's Jungle or Help for High school

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  • deltagal

    I’m loving what I’m seeing at the Brave Writer website.  Have any of you used the Writer’s Jungle or Help for High School.  Tell me how it fits with everything else you do.


    I just purchased Help for High School. My 10th grader will use it next year as she needs more of a foundation with essay writing.


    If you had a 13yo would you do the Writer’s Jungle or Help for HS?? WJ is geared for 8-18 and HFH is for 13-18, which would you choose knowing that both could work for a HSler and that you wouldn’t use it with a child under 11 or so??



    i have both and I am planning on using both, though i haven’t read through all of them.  However, in your situation, i would have NO reservations recommending the help for high school.  This looks really good for my 13  year old daughter with some specific plan to it.  The other is more general information, a few exercises here and there from what I can see so far.  We have taken several of the online writing courses from Bravewriter and have LOVED them.  They are so costly, though, which is why i invested in the guides for the upcoming year for all my kids.  I think you will be happier with the high school one.



    i have both and I am planning on using both, though i haven’t read through all of them.  However, in your situation, i would have NO reservations recommending the help for high school.  This looks really good for my 13  year old daughter with some specific plan to it.  The other is more general information, a few exercises here and there from what I can see so far.  We have taken several of the online writing courses from Bravewriter and have LOVED them.  They are so costly, though, which is why i invested in the guides for the upcoming year for all my kids.  I think you will be happier with the high school one.



    Thank you.

    From what I read, WJ is more about her philosophy (CM ideas) and I already feel I have that part down, but need the “hand holding” for writing, polishing narration, etc. Is that what HFHS would provide?? I like the idea behind both programs but I really need help in knowing exactly what to do. I have considered other programs (one of the hardest things to choose for me right now) and this is taking forever.

    Thanks again.

    ETA: How does it compare to other programs that you may have tried or have been interested in??


    HFHS is written directly to the student. 


    I’m thinking of using Help for High School along with the monthly Boomerang for a full English credit for Sophomore year.  I love the sample of the Boomerang that was available on the Brave Writer web site.


    Let me add digital downloads are currently available through home school buyers co-op at deep discounts.  https://www.homeschoolbuyersco-op.org/brave-writer/?c=1


    deltagal, that is what I am doing only with Writers Jungle rather than HFHS. I have both, but after discussing it with Julie Bogart ( author) she helped me see that I have time to go through Writers Jungle while working on Boomerang novel studies, then in 9th or 10th grade, my dd can do HFHS. My sister did it with her dd in 10th and it worked really well. I am excited about getting my dd excited about writing and discovering her very own voice. She is going into 8th gr but she is 5th of 5 and she tends to let the olders speak for her. She is also very black and white, doesn’t care for creative writing and likes checklists, lol. So not me. Julie spent time with me deciding and talking over the situation and I am really looking forward to this next year. She recommends Winston Grammmar which I already have and have used with the older kids, so we’ll use that as well.


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