I have it, but have not looked at it close enough. I have a Student Handbook for writing and learning and a Skillsbook for editing and proofreading practice.
Honestly, I’ve been looking for something that this will probably cover and it’s right on my bookshelf, LOL. Although I love to look at curriculum (maybe I’m a junkie), and have been, I probably need to give this a looksy as the student book was only $2. and the handbook I found on Paperbackswap.
If you have any more questions, I can try to help.
Yes, the handbook is a writing resource for highschoolers. The other books mentioned in my3boys’ post will make it a writing curriculum. I have never used any of the other books that go along with the handbook, only the handbook itself.
Well, I have spent some time looking over Writer’s Inc. and it does offer a lot of help to the student/parent. I think I may use this for now and see how it goes. Not sure about the student workbook, though, as it has the student proofread in the first pages, but that could easily be used to “teach” proofreading. I think the rest of the workbook could be used in a CM way, which we do most of the time anyway. He could definitely use the practice in certain areas. I would like my ds to do a better job of proofreading his own narrations and know what to look for.
The Handbook does cover some literary analysis, poetry, creative writing, persuasive, journaling, etc., which could prove to be helpful to us. I have had this for quite awhile but just didn’t take the time to look it over…I should’ve before today.