So far, I’ve been trying to follow the CM methods for English… so Oral narrations and Copywork for the first few years. My son is 8 at this point, so that is the step where we are at. We haven’t tried any composition or anything like that.
However – for his Cub Badgework, we now have a problem.
For his “Faith in God” work, which is a part of his Cub “Religion in Life Badge”, he needs (briefly) to write an original story or poem about one of God’s Creations. This could also count for his “Tawny Star” Badge, which requires him to write an original story/poem/limerick. If he also types it, it will count for another Tawny Star Badge requirement.
But – he has absolutely no clue about how to write a poem or story – and I have no clue how to teach him how. 3 badge requirements that could be done fairly quickly – if I only knew how to show him how to do it…. and for the one badge, there aren’t any other options to finish the badge without doing it…
My 7yo does well if I show him an interesting picture and ask him to tell me a story about it. I usually type as he tells me the story orally. The picture gives them a starting point, an idea. Perhaps you could find a picture of a little boy camping under a starry night sky, or paddling down a river. Perhaps it could be of a bird making a nest, or an elephant guiding its young calf. Those would surely spark a story in his mind 🙂 encourage him to think about a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Tell him it needs to talk about Gods great creation. If he gets stuck, ask what happens next? Where did they go? Why?
If you want him to type it himself, have him tape his story as he speaks, and then he can go back and listen to small parts and type it up. It is very hard for young children to concentrate both on story flow and on the mechanics of writing at a young age.
I was just going to suggest that he tell you a story about some animal or the stars – something that he is interested in, and you write it. Then he can illustrate it and copywork it. =)
Ok – We have it. I gave him a few suggestions of topics, and then I wrote down a few ideas he had of what he wanted to happen in the story – then we numbered the ideas in order, and then I wrote as he dictated…
Here it is…
A long time ago, even before there were malls, there was a 12 year old boy named Jacob. One day Jacob was hunting for bears to feed his family, as he lived in a poor village. As he was hunting, Jacob found a pack of Wolves. The adult wolf was injured. Jacob felt sorry for them. As he watched a hunter named Jay came with a bow and arrow to shoot the wolves. Jacob said, “Don’t shoot the wolves, you could help me hunt for bears.” Jacob and Jay went to the wolf to help him. Luckily Jay had some bandages, so they fixed the wolf’s leg and let him go. They watched them until the wolves slept. In the future, the wolves were always friends to Jacob and Jay. Every Full moon, and new moon, the wolves would come to the village and stay in Jacob and Jay’s house.
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