What do you think of the Winter Promise LA curriculum? I can’t decide. I was all set to order it, but now I’m having second thoughts. *sigh* Any opinions?
Ha, I hope I don’t confuse anyone by replying to myself! 😉 I’ve been back and forth on this whole Grammar thing for a while and I just don’t feel comfortable with the WP for fear it’s too workbook”y”. I was worried about PLL having too much memorisation in it considering we all ready to a fair bit of that. After reading some posts here I investigated Queen’s and really love it! 😉
No, not confusing. I tried to post earlier, but my post disappeared. I had looked at WP a few years ago but chose not to go with them for a myriad of reason – one of which was the LA. We have done workbooks in the past, and I really wanted something different for my students. We have used a few different items since that time, and this year we did Our Mother Tongue. The girls really enjoyed it, and it is gentle yet thorough, in my opinion. I also like the way Queens LA looks. I think that would be a good option as well – unless you were specifically looking for workbook-ish programs.
To throw a further question into the mix, what ages/grades would you say Our Mother Tongue is best suited for? I have a variety of ages (10 to 13) with a variety of skill levels (a bit of a struggling reader, delayed/struggling reader w/ special needs, good reader….all with a bit of prior grammar through workbooks.)
We took this year off from formal grammar studies, but I would like to get back into it with the oldest, and I think my autistic son will need a longer time period to take it all in.
Thanks for the input. No, I do NOT want a workbook style curriculum. I’m trying to turn a lot much more towards CM then we were in the past. I’m curious, did you choose not to use any of the WP stuff or just not the LA? Off to check out OMT before I commit to anything. hehe