Would you pray for our family?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Would you pray for our family?

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  • MamaSnow

    Would you all be willing to pray for our family?  Without getting into a lot of personal details, we are waiting to hear some news that will effect the direction our family is heading with our work and ministry.  We were supposed to have heard something last week, but still have not.  I keep givng this situation back to the Lord and trying to trust that His plan and timing are perfect…but I am struggling in this.  I am also feeling sort of “stuck” being in limbo since there are many things that we could be doing that we can’t move forward with until we have a clearer sense of where we are heading.   Please pray we will have patience and wisdom as we wait…and for His clear direction for our family and ministry.

    Thank you!



    Definitely praying for you.

    Sonya Shafer

    Jen, a dear and godly friend shared this thought with me a few days ago and it has stuck: The process is part of God’s plan too. I’m sure you know that, but it helped me to be reminded in that way. It is so hard to wait, but even the waiting is part of His plan for He will use that time to teach us and shape us in a way that nothing else can.

    Praying for “waiting grace” for you tonight.

    I will pray too Jen, it must be hard.  Sonya that is good advice and though we are supposed to know that, it is good to be reminded – through my daughter’s trials and illness I have needed to remember that time and again – sometimes it seems nigh on impossible – but it is not fo us to know all the reasons why these things happen, we just have to have the courage to walk the path with Him.  Hugs and prayers for it all to work out soon.  Linda


    I will pray for you as well.  And, I agree….the ‘waiting’ is part of the process..isn’t that just the way it goes?!  Find rest and peace in knowing that God knows exactly was is going on and cares for you deeply.  blessings.


    Thanks ladies for the prayers and kind words.  You have encouraged me greatly.  We are in sort of a weird place right now without a lot of local support, so it is such a blessing to know that there are others out there praying and able to sharing godly words of encouragement. (So true that sometimes we know these things in our heads, but sometimes we need that extra push to get them into our hearts.)   I have recently started using the book “Praying the Attributes of God” by Rosemary Jensen in my quiet time (great book BTW – has really helped me stay focused in my prayer times) and have come accross a couple of verses in the last couple of days that have encouraged me as well…thought I’d share them with you all as well:

    Regarding God as our Guide: Ps 23:2-3 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.  He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

    Regarding God as Holy: Deut. 32:4 “He is the rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just.  A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is He.”

    Blessings to all of you,



    Just wanted to update any of you who prayed for us last week:  we got the “answer” we were hoping for on Friday. Smile  (I would have posted sooner, but we got the phone call right before we headed out of town for the weekend.)  So, it looks like we will be headed for a new ministry location next year….we are both excited and somewhat terrified at the same time.  We know there will be quite a few challenges involved, but looking forward to seeing how God will work in and through our family.  Thank you so much for the prayers and encouragement last week.   If any of you happen to think of our family, do continue to pray for us: this journey that God is taking us on is going to be one wild ride!!


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