Would this be too much? I’m thinking of using the ORIGINAL edition of LLATL and also Climbing to Good English at half pace. My reasoning… The original LLATL lessons are short and to the point, perfect for a quick tutoring session with mama, despite the chaos from an active 18mo. It will provide copywork and dictation. CtGE we will do behind grade level, and slowly, just a half page per day. I want it to be some independent practice of writing and spelling, and also something they can get started on even when I’m busy with the younger kids. LLATL provides examples of good writing for them to copy, CGE provides some explicit instruction on how to summarize, outline, write a letter, etc… My 8yo 2nd grader will finish up book 1, my 10yo 4th grader will finish up book 2 (they started these books this year, completed less than half). why not just use the newer LLATL? Because the bouncing all over, covering so many different things each day annoys me. And it’s a few minutes with teacher, then a few independent, then back to the teacher, etc. That just won’t work well for me. Yes, I could split them up myself, but I think this way will be easier. No weeding through the material. Plus my kids will have clear and consistent expectations of what they have to do. Always the same, and they won’t have to wait for me to tell them what and which pages to do. How does this sound? We will technically be doing two complete English programs. But LLATL is known for being ‘light’ (and I’m using the older, lighter version too) and I will be using CGE behind and half pace. Would adding a HWOT workbook to this be too much? I wouldn’t add it, except this coming year my kids need some cursive instruction.
In your case, I would do HWOT for cursive daily, lessen frequency of copywork in print and dictation (not daily/alternate); decide how much other writing needs to be done daily.
Daily, mine do cursive copywork, a history narration, and my son has a good bit of writing in his English (Rod&Staff), my dd has a workbook to write in (GWG), so not as much for her. 2x/wk. dictation. Next year will be more writing (Jump In and Rod and Staff-minus comp. and poetry; more narrating).
When son has a writing assignment, he does one part a day. Ex: Day 10 notes; day 2) outline, etc. That way he’s not overloaded.
I’m sure they’ll let you know if they are being overburdened with too much writing and you’ll know it, too.
HTH (not sure if it does as I’m not familiar with those materials you mentioned)
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