Worksheets for Primary & Intermediate Language Lessons

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics English & Grammar Worksheets for Primary & Intermediate Language Lessons

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  • 4myboys

    Cynthia, thanks, but the link only shows the cover of the book.  I can’t locate scanned pages anywhere from this page.  Has anyone else had any luck?


    I just tried and it worked fine. I had to click the forward arrow key at the top of the scanned cover to go through it. =) I have to admit that I am liking the worksheet format for the simplicity of use (for all of us involved).  


    I was refereing to the google books link in Cynthia’s post — I can’t find anything but the PLL cover on Google books.  I can see the work book samples fine.  I am looking for the scanned PLL that she said is on google books.  Is there an arrow there I’m missing?  I’ve seen ILL on google books.


    I was looking at the scanned copy, so I am not sure where we’re missing each other. I’m not trying to be silly or obnoxious, are you using the link she provided in the word “link”? I clicked on the link she provided and it brought up the scanned cover.  Right above the scanned page is a tan colored bar that says results 1 of 1 for inauthor Emma Serl – on the top of that bar on the right is a box that says “front cover” with a couple of arrow keys.  If you hit the one on the right it takes you through the scanned book.

    If that didn’t work she did say to google it, which I haven’t done since I was able to view it from her link.   



    I know sometimes Google links can be touchy, but if you go to google books and type in ’emma serl’ you should get all the books by her. From what I see, it is the second option.

    I hope that helps if you haven’t already got it to work. 🙂


    Thanks Cynthia and sheraz, but I still can’t get it for some reason.  When I clicked on the origninal “link” in CYnthia’s post I get an image of the tittle page from the book.  I get a little search window below that which says “inauthor:”Emma Serl” ” then the search button next to it.  Below this it says “1 page matching inauthour: Emma Serl in this book” and shows a little rectangle with the copywright and author’s name highlighted in tan.  Below the rectangle it says “Where’s the rest of this book?”  I’ve tried other avenues, and get an image of the cover with the kittens but it doesn’t say “front cover” or have arrows anywhere.  I’ve got to be missing something else still if you are getting it fine.



    This is the actual page I was on.  I noticed that I can use the scroll bar on the right of the screen and it will change my pages.  If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know what else to try, lol.


    Thanks, ladies.  I’m wondering if it could be something about my laptop that isn’t updated or supporting something on the Google Books site.  I am going to try Tuesday from my office computer. (Tomorrow is a holiday here — Victoria Day and it’s suppose to be gorgeous again!  We’ve got another yard sale planned.  The house looks like a tornado hit it! with stuff everywhere.  Anything that doesn’t go tomorrow gets shipped off to New to You on Tuesday!)


    I bought these the other day, but just want to verify something. This is the actual book reformatted, correct? I dont actually need a copy of the book do I?


    You will not need the book. I bought it before I got the worksheets, so sometimes when we are working together, I use it for my copy.

    Song of Joy

    From 4mysons’ old post, I was going to mention that people outside the US can find google books at, but when I googled primary language lessons there, I was unable to get it.  It only comes up with Intermediate Language Lessons by Serl.


    But that link does work for quite a few google books.



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