Working on my block scheduling…How does this look?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Working on my block scheduling…How does this look?

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  • nerakr

    Due to time constraints, I’m having to put more structure into our homeschool this year. I’m trying to vary the order of subjects, as well. I’m having trouble scheduling spelling for my 4th grader. (Spelling will be oral most likely). In which of these blocks would it work best?

    Block 1: Bible/Geography/Poetry/Picture Books for 1st grader

    Block 2: Writing 8s exercise for handwriting delay; Picture/Composer/Hymn Study

    Block 3: Free so I can work with 1st grader. I would encourage him to do his karate exercises or something from the Indoor PE file since he will have been sitting for awhile

    Block 4: Math/Literature (I read to him)

    Block 5: Keyboarding while I work with 1st grader and/or prepare lunch

    Block 6: Science and Reading (he reads to me)




    Do you have certain time limits set for each subject? Or do you prefer to make a block and fit the whole block into the time allotted? I lean towards grouping it in Block 2 but in the way I organize it would depend on how long I thought we’d spend on each subject. Do you plan to do all six blocks every day?


    Yes, this is our daily schedule. Each block would be no longer than 30 minutes (preferaably less so that I can start on the hour or half hour and have time to put up/get out what is needed for each block). Block 6 would be the only one after lunch. After that, we would have some type of PE activity before I have to do my work-from-home job on MW and on TTh we would have PE and art for as long as needed. Keyboarding wouldn’t have to be every day; we may do Spelling City for practice some days. I just don’t know where to put spelling on the days I introduce the words or test him. I currently have it in Block 4, but I’m not so sure about that since both math and spelling are “strains on the brain” for him.


    I was thinking block 2 also. It is better to get those tough subjects in earlier anyway.

    Pleae tell me more about your indoor pe file.


    Yep, I would do it in block 2 so that he has it early and has a physical activity break before diving into math.


    Thanks, ladies. Already made the change. We’ll see how it goes.

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