A friend of mine works from home, and while her 5 y/o DS will be going to Kindy for a couple of hours in the afternoon, she will have him home with her in the morning. She is looking for curricula and things for him to do independently instead of plopping him in front of the TV. I shared some things with her, but I thought you all might have some additional ideas.
It’s video, but how about Leap Frog dvd’s for teaching to read, etc.? Starfall on the computer for educational? Maybe a Kindergarten workbook from Walmart?
Audio books, puzzles, dominoes, memory game, widgets, tangrams. My five year old only gets 15 minutes of screen time (starfall, pbs kids, I spy or animal genius) 4 days a week. (Usually). But these are the things he occupies himself with. Also, some workbook pages and painting or coloring.
If computer games are an option, I agree with starfall and salsa. We also are big Jumpstart fans. We have a lifetime family membership, which is one of the best investments I’ve made. There is the online game, but also 4 downloadable games (grades prek, k, 1, 2) that walk the kids through an adventure. They have to do ‘learning games’ along the way, which increase in difficulty as the children progress. When I’m just not up to ‘doing school’ because of illness or something, this is our school substitute.
For non-computer options, we like these (not endorsing the sellers, I just found some links to show you):
pattern blocks and patternables book of figures to make using pattern blocks. There is also a tangramables book. I hope I have the titles right. They are at Rainbow Resource. I think by Learning Resources.