Working FT & Trying Monarch Online


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  • bnorris

    Hi Ladies!

    I have three children still homeschooling, they are 11,13 and 16. I had to go back to work full time 3 years ago while going thru a divorce, I still work full time but have the benefit of working from home.  We have continued to homeschool but it has been very different and has felt more like a daily uphill battle.

    As much as I love the CM way of teaching I have felt led to make a change to AOP’s Monarch online school.  The kids just started today and it was a breath of fresh air!! I am going to add in living books to go along with the units they are studying in history and science.  I was just wondering if anyone has used Monarch and tweaked it to be bent a little towards CM.

    At this point, I am thinking that I may drop some tests and quizzes and add more reading.  Any thoughts or suggestions?




    Just wanted to say that you’re doing a good job!  You’ve had to go a different direction from what you would prefer, but for this time in your lives you needed something else & you’ve found something that is working. 🙂   Good for you!

    I don’t really have any advice… just keep feeling your way & see what works best.  I did for a short time use the ACE school of tomorrow  curriculum. They have workbooks called PACES.  I did find library books to go with the topic but I didn’t really require they read them.  Sometimes they just liked to browse through books, like some science book that went with the topic they were learning in their Science pace.  I’ve also let my older boy just read through the pace without answering the questions. He didnt do the checkups (quizzes) through the pace but when we got to the end he did do the Selftest and did great and took the Test and got good grades! For my youngest child, that didn’t work, so we just go with what suits the child best.   Sometimes I’ve asked them, in an off handed way, to tell me something they’ve learned or sometimes they just are so excited about something that they just come to me and share. (Think NARRATION 🙂    )    From experience, if you’ve found something that is really working, I would just caution you to be very careful how much you add in as it could become the ‘battle’ again.   Maybe you could think of sly ways to add in some of CM outside of your regular ‘school hours’.

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