Working at home and Homeschooling

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  • suzukimom

    I have been trying to figure out some way to make some money at home, basically working when my children are asleep in the evenings.  But I know that there is so much out “there” that is designed to scam you.  My husband works evenings/nights, so I don’t have any babysitting or transportation.  I tried a couple of things like Avon/Tupperware and apparently they are not my strong point.

    I know that this is something that needs to fit my skills and personality… and I’ve certainly seen lots of suggestions that aren’t a fit for me…  I just can’t seem to figure out what would work for me.   Oh, and I’ve been trying to figure out something for years… but now we are really needing me to figure something out.

    Any suggestions how to get inspiration on this?

    Doug Smith

    A successful business boils down to finding something people need and providing it.

    I’d start by making a list of the skills you have, hobbies, and things you like to do. Don’t try to filter your list to only what you think is marketable at this time. This is brainstorming so anything goes.

    Then make another list of needs you have and things you’ve noticed that other people need. What kinds of things do you see that are too difficult or that people don’t like to do or are a hassle. Look for these pain points because people are willing to pay to avoid pain. You might have to observe people for a while to notice. You might have to ask some friends.

    Now look for overlaps between your lists. Is there a product or service you could provide to meet a need using your skills? Is there something you know how to do that you can teach others to meet some of those needs? If so, you have some ideas to start. If not, you’ve learned something and can go back for another round of thinking.

    Doug Smith

    Here are a couple items for your skills list just from observing this forum:

    1. You can communicate clearly through writing.
    2. You are able to be a help to others.


    Have you ever thought of taking in laundry?  I think that’d be a pretty easy way to make a litte extra.  And you probably already have all the tools you need to get started.  I wish I could find someone to do my husband’s shirts – I think we pay $2.50 each for them!  (But it’s worth it to me because I HATE ironing AND I’m slow at it!)

    Pet Sitting at your home could also be a consideration – do you know how much people pay to take their pet to a kennel????  I know my mom prefers to leave her dog with a loving family while she’s away.

    Also, if you have good yard sales in your area you could start frequenting them (I know that’s not very fun with four kids, but it can be done) for cheaply priced items that sell for more on craig’s list.  I’m grown quite familiar with how much things sell for on craigs list so that I can purchase things for 20-25% of what they would sell for on craig’s list.  If that’s interesting to you pm me and I can send you some price lists that are helpful.  You’ll also want to be wise in when you let people come to purchase things – making sure your hubby is home for safety reasons.

    What about selling some things from your garden around the neighborhood?  I’m not going to do it myself, but I’m going to let my kids do it (with me tagging along) so they can earn money for things they want/need – that might help defray some of your household expenses.

    Now, this is not making money, but I’ve been learning to contribute to our household income by saving money.  I’m couponing and buying things for pennies on the dollar – I’ve even considered reselling “packages” of items on craigs list once I build up our supply.  It’s really quite easy, much less difficult than I imagined, though it does take time – you could plan your trips while the kids sleep.


    Hope those are helpful!


    We have had great success with Craigs*list. We have not had any problems but we are VERY CAREFUL. We do not give our our phone # and communicate by emai only (a separate account). Once we determine the person is serious, we do arrange a neutral meet-up with both DH and I if the item is small. If it is furniture, we do it when DH is home and NEVER give out our address if they are not willing to give us their address and phone#. This ALWAYS cuts out the people who are scamming.

    BTW, we have made thousands on craigs*list by selling things we ALREADY owned. Maybe we are pack-rats (though we are getting rid of more and more), but we sold a LOT of furniture we just didn’t NEED. Antiques especially bring a lot in our area. These were pieces we had bought at garage sales/ thrift stores in the past and DH refinished. People will pay top dollar if the item is refurbished. You could also sell items on ebay but I wanted to stay local so I wasn’t shipping items. And Craigs*list does not charge any fees of any kind.

    I agree with Doug: what are your interests, hobbies, strengths?

    I used to do editing from home. I do have a degree which goes along with this line of work, but I knew other copy editors who didn’t but had the skills. It didn’t pay a huge amount but I could work anytime of the day or night as long as I got the work done before the deadline. It did not require any hours away from home, other than delivering the product and picking it up. I did work on paper but that was ten years ago. I suspect now it is done completely on-line perhaps.

    If you have any hobbies making things, you could do an etsy shop. I have friends who sell photographs, headbands, bags, hair accessories, handmade items, etc.

    Our local YMCA has a nursery and my SIL has worked there off and one making a decent salary and getting membership along with it. They need people day and/or night. You could take your children with you to that (at least at our Y as they have many classes for HSers during the day and nursery for younger children).

    You’ll find something!


    I second couponing and C*V*S deals. Once you get started with that, you can go in and get free items. I make myself buy only what I have in CVS reward dollars.


    Thanks for the compliments Doug.  I have worked in customer support before, and I have also taught night school before (in another life it almost seems.)  I have done editing as a minor part of one of my jobs.  I have also done computer programming, but am very rusty at it, and my skills are pre-internet. (I’d pretty much need to relearn) but have problems coming up with program ideas myself.  

    There is one need I have noticed in my homeschooling journey – but it is in a very week subject area for me… 

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