Do any of you have a dear child who actually enjoys doing workbooks? My oldest despised them and thank the Lord we came across CM when we did, or els he would’ve been stuck with them. However, my middle son (8) seems to like them. We’ve been using the pathway LA workbooks that accompany the readers. He’s the “just give me the book so I can get it done and get out and climb trees” type of kid. So, with that said, do you recommend I stick with the workbooks? Am I right in saying that workbooks seem to go against CM, so I’m hesitant in continuing them. I’m contemplating whether or not to purchase the next level as he’s almost finished with the current one. I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
I don’t think workbooks are cm, but I do think they can have their place and time. Part of cm is delight and so if he is delighted and is learning, I’d have to ask, why not?
The experiences I’ve had with workbooks and our children are 1)we’ve used them after a new baby just to keep some discipline going 2)the children have preferred them when it’s obvious I am indecisive and disorganized 3)there is something that they want/need to know and a workbook just fit the bill 4)the child is really just wanting to do the bare minimum and is not concerned with excellence and 5) the child is little and all little children love workbooks (“’cause it’s my very own schoolwuk!”). Obviously, you would want to look out for numbers 2 and 4. I also go into every workbook with the caveat of, “We’ll do this for awhile.” That gives us an out if it bogs us down and we still get to claim victory. Actually, as I get older, I’m finding I’m going into a lot of things with that same caveat. 😐
I heartily agree with reason #1. We can also read lots of good literature to our kiddos when there is a new baby but sometimes we just need them to work independently. 🙂
My dd really likes doing wkbk’s for some things and my soon to be K (ds) likes to do his wkbk’s to..well actually my 3yr dd likes them too. But I don’t want to make a habit of using wkbks for everything. 🙂
You just have to do what works for your family and for the season in life that you are in. One year might look a lot different from the previous year ..isn’t that the fun of homeschooling. 🙂
Our 8 year old loves the pathway workbooks that go along with the readers. I’m noticing that she likes them because it boosts her confidence in what she already knows; plus she actually likes to write. (And I like that she’s getting some review thrown in!) So for now, we’ll continue to do them.
I think Charlotte would choose math since it’s really a cut and dried subject-
I agree that Math would probably be chosen by Charlotte, thought not until after the hands-on phase is securely grounded.
We have the Pathway books and readers, too, and we really like them. The stories are very enjoyable for my son to read and then he does the workbook on his own. He really enjoys being able to do some independent work because we do almost everything else CM-style together. His confidence has been boosted tremendously and, like others have pointed out, it’s only for a season while we are transitioning between places.
I really appreciate your insights Cindy, thank you for sharing in such an organized way!
Its good to hear that other dc also enjoy the Pathway readers and workbooks. I think the reason my ds likes them so much, is because they involve the story and characters he’s already reading about. I agree with you, MJ & Rachel, this seems to boost my ds confidence and give him a little independance. They do seem to suit us well for now, so why do I doubt? I’m glad that ‘The Charlotte Mason Police’ are not going to come and arrest us for using a workbook. 😆
It is good to be reminded that there isn’t an “all or nothing” approach to homeschooling. All CM approach, all classical, all can be a combination and we can still be “good” parents and teachers no matter the style. Besides it is all by God’s grace that we homeschool, so He will lead us in the way we should go. (He would choose CM style, of course!) 😉