workbook for considering God\'s creation

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study workbook for considering God\'s creation

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  • Michelle

    Do I need a workbook for each child if I choose to get the printed version VS the PDF?
    My printer needs a $100 part so for now, I am getting workbooks (I prefer them anyway)

    OR- can I use one workbook and use it for notebooking or journalling?


    I should add my kids will be:
    4.5, 6.5, 9 when Fall starts and I have baby due in December so I am needing to keep this simple too.


    Hi Michelle. 🙂

    You really do need one workbook for each child. They are very consumable and crafty. The copyright may allow for copying within your family if you have access to a copy machine.

    If I were in your shoes, I think I would either skip this curriculum until your children are older or just buy a work book for your oldest. It’s an awful lot of cutting and constructing for your younger children and you would end up having to help a lot!

    When my kids were elementary age, we mostly used living books and nature study for science. It keeps things sweet and simple. I do love the looks of the SCM studies. If you are using Considering God’s Creation as part of those, maybe someone who has experience with them will chime in and let you know how easy it would be to just skip this portion of the curriculum.

    We did use portions of Considering God’s Creation but only when my children were a bit older than yours-closer to 5th grade and 6th grade.


    I just got a workbook and TM for $7 off ebay so I may hold onto it and maybe use it when the kids are older and just stick to the 106 Days with the books for that.

    Thank you!
    I love doing notebooking so they can write what they see/want.

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