Work habit training


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  • Any fun ideas on getting children to be self motivated to start their chores and work? My older girls are 5 and 7. I do not mind saying, “get started on chores”, but I would like them to remember and follow through with this task without a lot of reminders…aka nagging!

    One thing that has helped is my 7year old likes to be in charge of my 5 year old as she helps to keep things on task, but I would like a few more ideas to add variety throughout the week.


    Have you read the “Smooth and Easy days” available for free at present on the SCM site?  It answered a lot of my questions like this.


    Sometimes I use a timer with my 7yo.  I set it for a time that I know he can get everything done, but without giving him extra time to dawdle.  I need to be more consistant when I use it, though!  Once I know he can do the task before him, I can give him the timer and now the responsibiblity is his to get his work done before the time is up. 
    I’d like to use a chore chart, but have had a hard time finding one I like.

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