Wondering which module to start with

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Wondering which module to start with

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  • AFthfulJrney

    I’m still trying to decide what I want to do for History with my 7 year old for next year. I also have a 5 year old son who I am sure will want to listen in from time to time…as he did this year. I have already purchased Mystery of History as well as A Child’s History of the World, but I’m so jumbled on what I want to go with definitely! Since coming to SCM, I slowly have been changing the way we do things and I want to keep on doing so.

    If I were to choose one of the SCM history modules for next year, where would you recommend I start? We did Early American History through beautiful feet books this year. Would I pick up from where we left off, or just start from the beginning?

    Thank you!


    Honestly you can start with whatever module you want.  If you did early american history, you might choose to do module 6…

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