wonderful bible devotions………..

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  •  I have started using keys for kids as a daily devotion and the children love it. http://www.cbhministries.org/kfk/home.php  I have also found this wonderful site called old fashioned education. all the books are online free and alot of great resources!  http://www.oldfashionededucation.com/fullcurriculum.htm. I love mother stories from the old testiment for my young ones. And for us older group we are using the bible book by book, now that has opened my eyes to the bible. We will move to The bible period by period next year.

     I also love crayon and character ( for personal develpoment) it’s fun for all of us and the children love it!

    You can also try http://www.gardenofpraise.com/ They have bible studies.

    They also have multiplication songs( right up my alley!) My daughter can learn songs but facts are harder for her so this is PERFECT!

    I just thought I would post these great resources for you!

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