Women of Faith: Revolve Tour (teens)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Women of Faith: Revolve Tour (teens)


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  • momto2blessings

    Has anyone been to this or heard of it? http://revolvetour.com/.  Our church is sending a group and dd (12) has friends going…but it seems too teen/dating orientated to me (we’re teaching courtship). It’s the same talks for grades 6th-12th. Anyone with experience?  Thanks:)  Gina


    Oops…here’s the correct link: http://revolvetour.com/


    Faith R Miller

    I can’t speak about the Revolve tour. I have been to Women of Faith. I cannot say enough about it! The speakers were amazing. It was inspiring, uplifting, positive….. If I had a teenage daughter, this would definitely be an event I would let her attend.


    Thanks for the message!  I’ve also been to a Women of Faith event.  What concerns me about this is 2 of the 3 promos on their site are guy/dating related.  There’s a ‘crush’ quiz w/one qu. something like ‘do you think of him as eye candy.’  For 6th grade?! Maybe they’re trying to attract high schoolers to the event and it’s just a small part….don’t know.  We’ve offered dd another option for the day that will hopefully work out.  Just wish I could hear the talks before hand!  Thanks:)  Gina

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