Wohoo – ordering some new books from Amazon

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    Yay! Good for you guys :). I love your book choices, and I am sure your family will, too. Congrats!



    We have a few of the Smithsonian books and really like them.

    We liked Owl at Home and other Arnold Lobel.

    Through Grandpa’s Eyes is great too.

    I am not familiar with the others.

    You make me want to go through our shelves and weed out some more twaddle!

    Have you looked at the books on Sonya’s list? What age is this for?


    I bought the original Raggedy Ann and Andy stories and was surprised at how much we all liked them, even my ds8. In fact, he read ahead to the next story in his free time. They are so darling. But I have found newer Ragedy Ann books and they are not good at all.

    We also like Miss Rumphius and the Katie series from that list.

    Robert McCloskey are favorites here, too.


    So now that I am inspired to weed out some twaddle, I have to remind myself of what twaddle is. I found this to help:


    I am still learning what twaddle is and what it isn’t, and that quality is better than quantity. I have not found a book on Sonya’s list that we haven’t liked though. Those I could re-read over and over again.

    We have many of the Little Golden Books and we rarely read them. I am wondering how many of these are twaddle and if we should get rid of them.

    So…do you like or dislike the Grow & Learn library set?


    Sarah, some of the Little Golden books quality and twaddli-ness will depend on the age and the type.  I have some from when my dh was little and some that I bought 15 years ago and they are different from each other.  The newer ones are even worse.  A few of the recommended books are Golden Books so I think that you just have to weed through them carefully…=)

    I just ordered a bunch of books from Sonya and Karen’s list and I fell in totally in love!  Oh, my!!  Some of the picture books are sooo amazing.  Both my dh and I sat down and enjoyed them after the kiddos went to bed.  😉  And just for record, lots of the recommended Early Years books are only a PENNY plus shipping on Amazon.  (I wish they would combine shipping!! lol)


    Thank you sheraz. I’ll be careful with the Little Golden books.

    For used books, you might try ordering them all from one seller through their website. I have done this with thriftbooks.com and betterworldbooks.com who also sell on Amazon. But through their site, sometimes they have sales and discounts.


    My kiddos also love the Raggedy Ann sets…you can get them as audios on Librivox too.  We have a couple of old RA coloring books we use while they listen sometimes.

    Thanks Sarah – I buy from betterworldbooks all. the. time.  I should’ve thought to check their own site…not going to think about how many more books I could’ve bought with that shipping money.  LOL


    That sounds like a nice set of Raggedy Ann and Andy…the Learn and Grow. I am not sure what it was I had picked up, but it was very disappointing compared to the older ones we had read…I couldn’t even finish reading it. So I guess it just depends on what it is and not just Raggedy Ann being in it.

    Sheraz, I am on the email list for both betterworld and thriftbooks. For Black Friday and Cyber Monday betterworld had 30% off by ordering at least 4 books. Many books I got for about $2.50 each that way. And thriftbooks had buy 5 and get 6th free. If you buy more than one book shipping from same location, you save 50 cents per book, and always free shipping. It is just a little better than going through amazon if you have a lot of books to order at one time. And one time thriftbooks sent me the wrong book and told me to keep it and they credited my account for the purchase price. It was only $4, but still…it was the wrong book. They would have sent the right book, but did not have it anymore.


    How sad 🙁 Curious George is twaddle? lol, my 5 yo loves George!


    We love Curious George here, too! But I’m also still learning what twaddle is.

    I don’t know much about the other titles. But I like the looks of Over and Under the Snow and White Snow, Bright Snow.


    We like the original Curious George books (there are maybe 6 or 7 of them) that were actually written by HA Rey, but the spin off ones (I think they say something like “created by HA Rey or something?) are twaddle, IMO. We keep the originals around, but pass on the spinoffs…if that’s helpful for anyone.


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