Witty book to read aloud


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  • keechivalley

    Looking for a read aloud for our family.  My son is 12.  I’m not really looking for silly more like witty.

    An example that comes to mind is The Indian in the Cupboard (ok this maybe silly but it was very funny to me) or some of the books Mark Twain (Tragedy of Puddinghead Wilson) or strangely even Dickens is funny to me.  The story doesn’t necessarily have to be over the top funny just something with some really great writing that has wit and humor from time to time.  The wit in Winnie the Pooh is along these lines.

    And maybe it is because I’ve homeschooled for over 25 years but I never find classroom settings funny and it seems like so many books are set in a school setting.  I guess we just can’t relate?

    We do like books set in the past (just about any time period).

    Anything come to mind?



    We all enjoyed the humor in Cheaper by the Dozen last year, they were ages 15-8.


    Oh, great, we haven’t read that one!


    Have you ever seen the Freddy the Pig books by Walter Brooks?  If I tried to describe them here, they might not sound as witty and appealing as they are.  There are many of them, but for wittiness I’d look up Freddy the Detective.  I find them really fun read-alouds – lots of characters, lots of personality, lots of wry humor.

    I’m sure I’ll think of more, but that one jumped to mind right away.


    We love anything by PG Wodehouse, particularly the Jeeves and Wooster books, they are out right funny and witty.


    Thanks!  Actually my son has read many of the Freddy books but we haven’t done any of them as read alouds.  We did a few of the Jeeves and Wooster books many years ago but I’ve forgotten them (and about them).


    Detectives in Togas, The Penderwicks, Mr. Lemoncello’s Library


    Have you read any James Thurber? We have a collection of his short stories. Many of them are wonderfully funny without being silly or juvenile. “The Night the Bed Fell” is especially amusing.


    I second the PG Wodehouse!



    Little Britches series by Ralph Moody

    Owls in the Family but I can’t remember the author

    This one might be a little young but if you ever read Ginger Pye by Eleanor Estes, the sequel Pinky Pye is even better.


    Just thought of this series by Edith Nesbit:

    The Treasure Seekers

    The Would-Be-Goods

    New Treasure Seekers

    The first one is in print, but all three are on Gutenberg.  They are set in late 1800s England so some phrases and references might need explaining. I plan on reading these aloud this year, so I am not sure how they will go over with our children ages 6 to 13.

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