Winston Grammar


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  • Julee Huy

    I searched board and it doesn’t look like this has been discussed.  I am looking at it in place of JAG.  I read that one mom did Winston Grammar orally or on the white board 3x’s a week in about 10 min. I think JAG is only for a set time in the school year so that is a plus because it sounds like Winston needs to be done all year.

    Any advice/experience with this prograM?

    Jodie Apple

    We tried WG for part of a school year but abandoned the program due to frustration (for both my son and me).  It always took us longer than 10 minutes and it seemed to me that this program made grammar more complex than it had to be.  It seemed very “public school-like”. 

    We just finished Junior AG last term and are now using Mad Libs as reinforcement.  JAG was MUCH better for us.  He still didn’t like grammar, but it was much easier to follow using JAG and we both liked the fact that after 11 weeks we were done with it.  Also, the lessons didn’t drag on like they seemed to using WG.  He really likes the Mad Libs (to my surprise) and we do these a couple of times a week.


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