Will there be (or, is there) a schedule for Module 3 like Module 1 has?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules Will there be (or, is there) a schedule for Module 3 like Module 1 has?

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  • Mommy2Five

    Hi! I’m new here. 🙂 However, I have been homeschooling for 7 years and just yesterday came across this whole Simply Charlotte Mason website and am IN LOVE with the whole thing! My children are: Two girls ages 12 and almost 9; and three boys ages 5, 3, and 7 months.

    However…I am disappointed that there appears to only be a Family Study Handbook for Module 1 (the Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt schedule thingy). We can NO WAY start in Module 1. (We are doing My Father’s World Creation to The Greeks this year and certainly can’t just start over again next year.)

    I love schedules :), even if I may not always use them.

    Is there some sort of schedule for Module 3? 🙂 Does anyone have one I can see/use?


    Sonya Shafer

    I’m glad our site is helpful to you! You’re right, you certainly don’t want to start over next year.

    I’m hoping to finish the family handbook for Module 2 (Joshua through Malachi and Ancient Greece) this year. Sorry the next one isn’t available yet.

    In general terms, for Module 3 you could probably read through the Gospels using some kind of Harmony of the Gospels that combines all the common events that are mentioned in each and presents the life of Jesus in chronological order. (The Narrated Bible might be one possibility.) Then read through Acts.

    You could use Famous Men of Rome as your history spine, and add the other listed history books as they fit into the events described there. (My girls loved the Detectives in Togas and Mystery of the Roman Ransom books when they were your girls’ ages.)

    Famous Men has 30 chapters, but some of them are quite long and need to be divided into parts and spread over more than one day of reading. So you’ll probably want to read history at least three days a week (when you factor in the other books too). And you’ll probably need to read Bible five days a week to cover it all, depending on how much you read each day.

    I’m sorry I don’t have more specifics for you right now, but I hope this helps a little. For more help on putting these books into a schedule, you might check out the planning series in our blog.


    Hi Sonya, thank-you for responding. I figured that handbook wouldn’t be around yet ;). Rats! Lol…guess I have to figure it out myself unless someone else who has already writting a tentative schedule can let me peek at it. I just want to know what order to do the books in.

    I was wondering about the gospels. I thought, “The kids will be bored if we read EACH gospel through.” Thanks for the book idea.

    I’ve been reading that blog and love the planning tips, thanks!

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