Why not the Genesis commentary?

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  • susie in ms

    I have been reading reviews of the Ganz commentaries and they seem to be beloved. I am curious as to why the Genesis one is not part of the schedule for Module 1?



    and please, I mean no offense

    I noticed some of the reviews on the book cover are Reformed. Do the commentaries have a Reformed slant or are they strictly refering to the scripture without a specific religion being represented in the interprestation?


    Thanks for any help!

    Sonya Shafer

    The Genesis commentary was out of print when I wrote that module’s handbook, so I did not include it. Also, I wanted more variety during the year, rather than using a commentary every term all year long. So the lesson plans include doing character studies of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph as you read through Genesis. Then when you come to Exodus, you add a new and different element with the commentaries.

    I did not notice a specific denominational slant at all. The commentaries were so God-honoring and exalted Jesus so well that I felt I could recommend them to anyone.

    susie in ms

    Thank you very much, Sonya! I do like the variety. I feel it is the spice of life. 🙂 And your discription makes me even more comfy with these.

    Rachel White

    I haven’t used these but as a general rule if you come across anything that you take issue with, just either skip over it or, if reading aloud and your children are old enough to understand, read it and then explain why you teach differently. It’s a good opportunity; unless it’s so off from your beliefs so often that you must put it down.

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