For our history and literature books listed for 2nd and 3rd grades (Module 5 history), who reads these books if we are doing history together? Do I read them all aloud? Do I assign some of the easy ones for them to read themselves?
I know that many will say to have them read themselves. I don’t disagree but for us that just didn’t work. for a couple reasons. #1 I don’t have boys who like to read #2 I didn’t know if they were really reading them or skimming them (I don’t have time to read all them after school myself) #3 when we’d talk about it we’d all want so much information cause we were curious that it was crazy.
My boys are in the 2, 4, 5th grades and at this point (which I have already informed the 5th gr. next year he will read alone) we do our history reading together and have incorporated dad on this by having him read our Friday items at night Friday. This is just what works for us being they are all so close in age.
My other issue (hopefully someone can address this also) is I have 2 in about the same grade and I only have one set of books? That’s another reason I guess we read together. Yes it takes about 10 minutes more on Fridays but it’s been good for us.
I too have children close in age (fitting in the 1-3 grade book slot). Since there is not a spine book for Module 5, I am finding it impossible to have them read the books themselves. We would not have anything to do together if I did not read the books out loud to them together.
🙂 I hope I am not doing something wrong…..
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