I can’t decide which one of these to use for my upcoming 12 and 13yr. olds:
THe Children’s Homer by Colum (available on librivox)
The Trojan War by Olivia Coolidge
The Illiad for Boys and Girls by Alfred Church (available on librivox)
I initially went towards O. Coolidge’s since there’s a Memoria Press study guide to go with it and since mine are working more independently, study guides are helful at this time in my life.
Now, I’m confused.
They’ve already read through the R. Sutcliff books, BTW.
Can someone give me some feedback by having used some or all of these? I’m not interested in the most youthful version and I still lean towads the MP SG with Coolidge’s. Doesn’t her’s go through more background inof on the entire Trojan War adn not just the Illiad part of it?
Perhaps they could use the Coolidge version w/the guide and at another time, listen to them from librivox.
I have both the one by Colum and Church on my Kindle. I went ahead and read the Church version, but the only reason I can remember right now had to do with the opening chapter… my youngest was the one reading this at the time and something about it made me choose the Church version. My Kindle is not available right now, or I might be able to figure out more specifically what the issue was. 🙂
I would rate them as levels of from simplist to more complicated as Church, Coolidge, and Colum. Again, all of them have different aspects that make them appealing for different reasons.
Church’s versions are fairly straightforward. They tell the story well.
Coolidge seems to be readable as welll with a little more detail.
If you choose Colum, I think that a basic knowledge of Greek myths and how Colum writes long stories within his stories would be benefical for your child to understand it better. His Golden Fleece book threw me at first because I did not know that, and I couldn’t figure out why the stories kept flipping back and forth, until I read more about the gods and heroes (and those are a big part of the Illiad and Odyssey, as you know). His books are excellent, btw.
Thanks, sheraz! I have an opportunity to pick up a used copy of Coolidge’s version and remembered seeing it mentioned over the years, but at least on SCM I couldn’t find many references. And then the other version, of course, are commonly mentioned. I appreciate the spectrum you showed with them.
Still undecided as to whether I should grab the Coolidge book — the reviews on Amazon were not very flattering in terms of the flow of dialogue, language, etc. Many positive reviews, but not happy with the reasoning behind some of the negatives I read.
Just went and read them. Hmmmm! 😉 Well, one said the dialogue was stiltled in a few places, and another one said she actually used the writings of at least 3 people to create this version…perhaps she was using dialogue from several authors for the same person??
I think that they all are going to have some type of thing like that because we all come to these books with various levels of understanding, expectations, and experience with the material.
So…which version you choose will depend on your goal for your kiddos. Do you want them to “get” the basics or do you want them to enjoy a few more details? How long do you want them to spend reading about this subject? Not very helpful, I know, but really I think your choice has to be influenced by those questions.
I just wish we could all have these types of resources in hand when asking questions – we’d probably be amazed at how quick decisions would be. LOL
Or if we could just hunker down in Robin’s library, we’d be set!
But yes, aside from those options, I’m grateful for people here on the forum to chime in on book choices and resources like Amazon reviews and such. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
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