Which test to give?


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  • Rachel White

    I’ve not tested my children yet; they are 8 and 8 1/2.

    I would like to test the older one, a son, he’s at least one level ahead

    of the other, my dd.

    My only purpose is to confirm whaat I think are his gaps and/or discover if there is anything I’m missing and need to refocus on next year.

    I’d like to give it myself and it be fairly easy going. I had found one described on the HSLDA website a couple years back that had been designed for hslers. But now I can’t find it.

    Does anyone have any suggestions for what to give him? He’ll be going into ‘3rd grade’ if I were to assign him, but it’s the thrid official year. Here in Ga. after the 3rd year, you give a yearly test (you don’t have to turn in, it’s just for your own records), so this would be a practice one.

    Thanks for any suggestions,


    I’ve never used it, but I do know that Hewitt Homeschooling Reources offers the PASS test. That may be the one you are trying to remember.

    I live in Georgia and my daughters are finishing 3rd and 6th grades so they both need to test. I use the Christian Liberty Press testing service, partly because it is less expensive than others that I’ve seen. (That leaves me more money left over to buy books!) When I first tested my 6th grader 3 years ago, we did it at home and I plan to do the same this time.

    Hope this helps,


    Rachel White

    Thank you so much. This is the one I was looking for. How much did you pay for it last year?


    I’m not sure which test you are asking about the price, so I’ll answer for both.

    I haven’t ever actually bought a PASS test. I’m only aware of the fact that it is designed for homeschoolers.

    I’ve already ordered and received the 1970 CAT from Christian Liberty Press. I paid $25 a piece. I meant to mention that you order them based on the grade the student is entering. Also, they group together some grades. For example, my daughter that is completing third grade (entering fourth grade) is taking the test for students entering fourth, fifth and sixth grades.


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