Between schooling, managing my home, nursing a baby, training the preschoolers (ok, training all of us, just in different areas), and just plain lovin’ on all of them, I feel spread WAY too thin and wondered if I might get some input on what subjects to completely hand off to the children (at generally what ages), and what really needs my heavy involvement?
My 10 children are (functionally) 14, 12, 11, 9, 8, 6, 5, 3, 2, and 4 months. They currently have some things they work on independently (such as math and Spanish), some things I do with a few at a time (handwriting, spelling), and others that we do as a family (history, science, artist, poetry, composer, hymn). Mornings are spent rotating small groups thru time with me and older children cycling thru watching younger children, then we all come together right after lunch for our family reading. (It all looks so simple typed out right there, but it’s rather complicated 😉 ) There are SO many things that can put a kink in the morning rotations – I feel like I’m always behind, and missing a lot. The afternoon gathering can be rather bumpy, too, with such a wide age range.
MamaLinda- I have 5 children ages 15, 13, 11, 6, 3 and am expecting another one soon.
My two oldest have been mainly independently working for the last few years…math, science (apologia, which enables them to be totally independent), grammar. They study their verses and poems and them recite them when they are ready. I’m just there to answer questions and help.
My 11 yo has Aspergers (high functioning autism) and needs constant supervision to keep him on track because he’s so distractible.
What I have done to keep them on track is to make a schedule for the full school year, dividing it up into 4 quarters. I just print them out and they keep track. The 3 older ones use these. I can email you an example if you like.
I totally understand about so many things putting a kink in the mornings!
I think one thing that really helps me is that I had to stop thinking “I’m behind” because it exhausted me. Really, it’s our thoughts that keep us captive. You’re never really behind because you can take as much time as you need.
It sounds like you have a wonderful, rich family life with all you do together and that is so much more important than completing “x” number of pages in a book. I very much doubt your children are missing out on anything…all the love and wonderful interactions you are having!
Well… I might be talking a bit prematurely here, as we’ve just finished up our first week of this school year…But it went suprisingly well. (check back in a month… I’ll probably have a PLEASE HELP ME post!) :0). It sounds like we do a lot of similar things…
After breakfast and chores, we start our school time with prayer and whatever chapter of Proverbs correalates with the date. Then we do memory work. Third, we do history/geography/Bible together (Middle Ages, Renaissance, Reformation & Epistles). Next, we do poetry, Spanish, picture study (T), nature study (W), music study (TH), art (TH), hymn study (F). The olders then do their independent history reading, while I read to the youngers. I then work with the 7 yo who is learning to read using Progressive Phonics (I can’t remember who suggested this, but THANK YOU!), Math, handwriting and a science living book once a week. At this time the girls (4,2) are playing the computer (I know, I know) and the 14, 11, 8 yo boys are working independently on any of the following: literature reading, math, copywork, Analytical Grammar, Jr. Analytical Grammar (Thanks, Sonya, for recommending these!), science (living books or Apologia), written narrations or character building books. What they do depends on the day it is. I used one of the SCM schedules to juggle who I work with next (narrations, Dictation, checking work, Simply Grammar for the 8 yo, etc.) and who is in charge of the girls. We haven’t followed it perfectly, but it provided us a rut to run in… And it’s working for us. :0). Everyone has been finishing their studies by noon or just a tad after. However, the oldest does math “ahead” on some evenings, because he actually ENJOYS the Life of Fred books. Too weird. By Friday evening, my house was “neat”, the laundry manageable, school work done… Was that the hallelujah chorus I heard in my head? LOL!!!
Like I said, it looks like we do a lot of things the same, so I probably haven’t helped you a lick… But I freaked out a little while back because all the kids were BEHIND, and I couldn’t get anything done… well, you get the picture. The good ladies here walked me through it, gave me advice, prayed for me… In return, I hope I can encourage you. ;0). My hat’s off to you… ten children. That is awesome! Ok, I’m jealous… My arms & my heart are aching for a new one… :0). Have you visited the Large Family Logistics site? Are you part of the cmmomsofmany yahoo group? They are both a big help to me.
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