Which SCM Module to start with – 1 or 6? Add TruthQuest too?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Which SCM Module to start with – 1 or 6? Add TruthQuest too?

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  • eviesmomma

    I’m a newbie here (as well as to homeschooling) and LOVING it. I’m stumbling over putting together the history portion of our studies though. It’s suggested we start with module 1 (Egypt). However, I had plans in place to use a bit of the Prairie Primer, so then I thought maybe I’d start with Module 6 (America). I have read a lot of you also use TruthQuest in combination with SCM modules primarily for the extensive living books list she gives.

    TQ has the younger students START with American history (I have a 9yo girl and a 5yo boy who will just be listening in as well as a 1yo girl).  TQ doesn’t start Egypt and other world history until 5th grade, so that might be too hard for my 3rd grader.

    (1) Is it okay to start SCM module 6 first? (2) Do I NEED TQ as well, or is the SCM module thorough enough to use on its own with enough of a book list? (3) If it’s more appropriate to start with module 1, what do you use in place of the Oxford book that is out of print and very hard to find? 

    Lots of questions! Sorry if I’m overwhelming…there’s a LOT running around in my head. 🙂


    Hi, no worries!

    You can start with whatever module you would like, and younger children jump in wherever you are when they get old enough.  

    However – Module 6 has an update in the works that is going to be out, I believe this spring.  So I’d recommend waiting on that.  

    However Module 5 is the earlier American History time period (along with the corresponding World History) – so you probably wanted to start there anyway if you wanted to start with American History.  That one was just updated.  

    There is a Module guide that gives advice on what to do and everything.

    As for the Oxford book that is hard to find (and is used in Modules 1-3 I believe) – I think they are planning on coming up with a new resource of their own in the future.  They had tried to get the printing rights, but it seems the Oxford publisher is not interested.  I think Sonya said that they plan to tackle a new resource after Module 6 is completed.

    So my 2 cents would be – start on Module 5!  Then Module 6 should be nicely completed before you are ready to start it… and with any luck maybe they will have the replacement for Oxford done when you are done Module 6.  

    (or if you want a bit more leeway on their replacement for Oxford… you could do Module 4 which I believe would be the middle ages…. that would give about one more year before getting back to Module 1)….

    Oh, and I think there are a LOT of people doing SCM history modules without doing TQ and find it just fine.


    Although you can start in anywhere, I would look at the big picture first with your 9 year old in mind. What kind of history knowledge does she have already? Is there an area in history where she is lacking? What history rotations are you planning to use? 4 year, 5 year, or 6 year? Do you want to primarily use SCM history guides and supplement with TQ or use primarily TQ for history? SCM incorporates a lot of Bible history along with world history. Does your 9 year old have a good understanding of Genesis and Bible history? That is a very important foundation to lay for her. Don’t let the issue of the Oxford oop book make your decision. I think TQ can be added if you have a big reader who goes through the SCM books fast and you want more book ideas. You can also pull ideas for additional reading from the Sonlight catalog. You could start with module 1 and still use your Praire Primer for some fun American History on the side. I like to pull out American history books around American holidays, even if we are not studying American history for school. Think Presidents Day, Flag Day, 4th of July, etc. You could read the Little House books for “Literature”. Our library has the set on audiobooks and we check them out now and then and listen in the van. But, if you want to start in module 5, you could do a separate Old Testament study or apologetics with Answers in Genesis resources like their curriculum: http://www.answersingenesis.org/PublicStore/product/Answers-for-Kids-Bible-Curriculum,6508,185.aspx if you think your 9 year old needs to study it. Pray for the Lord’s guidance for what is best for your family.


    We started with Module 5 so that we could learn early American History along with the corresponding world history. Next year we will do Module 6 – which is 1850 to current. After that we will go back to Module 1 and start with Ancient History.

    Starting with Module 5 was fun for us since my school-aged kids are already familiar with some American History. It was something we could go more deeply into and fill in any gaps.


    We also started with Module 5 for my 7 and 6 yr old and it’s been great.  We only use SCM for now. 


    I agree that Module 5 could be a great starting place.  We use the TQ guides (SCM guides haven’t been completed as I’ve needed them…but will be soon).  TQ has worked well for us.  I read the biblical commentary and a spine to both kids, then we pick mainly SCM books for history readers for the kids to do.  Blessings:) Gina


    Thank you all! And yes, I meant to say that we would start with module 5 (not 6). I think I’ll probably just start with the SCM guide for now and just see if we need a more extensive book list or more of a commentary. 

    Sarah, she has been in charter school through this year, and so far she’s covered Ancient Rome and the Vikings this year. Last year was a brief look at American history, but nothing really in a time-frame format. So she really hasn’t done anything really indepth except for Ancient Rome, but even there I’m sure the SCM guides and other material would be MUCH more extensive than she had it. I guess I’d plan on using the 6-year rotation. I wasn’t sure what material I should use as a primary source, but now I’m thinking SCM. She does have a pretty good knowledge of the Bible, but I’m definitely going to take a look at the link you gave me. 

    Thanks everyone!


    Sounds like you have a good plan now. If you don’t care much for the Bible curriculum from Answers in Genesis, you could use one of their other books like the Answers for Kids book series or Dinosaurs from Eden, etc. Many are also available at CBD and Amazon. We haven’t found one yet that we haven’t liked.

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