I am new to homeschooling and I am trying to plan out 6th grade for my 11 yo ds starting in the fall. There are so many of the SCM books that I would like to have but can’t buy them all within the next 2 months. If you were in my shoes, which books(non curriculum) would you suggest the most helpful to me? It’s all so overwhelming right now. Any suggestions????
If I were just starting out, I would download all of the free SCM books and then buy Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education and Hearing and Reading, Telling and Writing. It seems that wrapping the mind around CM language arts, namely narration, is the most common difficulty for new and experienced home educating moms.
Also, be sure to go to the SCM Blog page. There are many wonderful articles for gaining a deeper understanding of a CM education. If you can afford to get Sonya’s DVD workshop, All Day Charlotte Mason Seminar, then by all means do so 🙂
Sonya has some great blog articles on SCM for free! I would go back and just read and relax and then buy after a couple of weeks. Pray about what you need for your family, truly.
I started with Planning Your CM Education and Laying Down the Rails. I’m hoping to pick up the All-Day Seminar and Language Arts the CM Way with my next order.
If you don’t feel really comfortable with CM methods or if there are things you don’t quite understand; I would suggest you get the All Day Seminar dvds. They give such a clear explanation of what a CM education looks like. I try to watch it once a year.
The All Day Seminar really pulled together CM style of education fro me. The light bulb went off 🙂 I suggest it to all my HSing friends, even those that do not follow CM style because it has such great info.
I love the All Day CM Seminar by SCM! You can learn so much from it. I still watch it and their Books and Things Seminar a few times per year now and we’ve been homeschooling from the beginning. (I have soon to be eight children, oldest going into 7th grade this fall).
Their blog has many wonderful series of posts too. Here is a page gathering those series sets into one page to find what you are interested in:
If you could only buy one thing to get you going, I’d say the All Day Seminar.
And as suggested, download all the free books, and read what you can in the blog series posts.
Then (after watching/reading) if you want to do the SCM plan, I’d buy the Module Guide and resources for a module. And if you want to make your own plan, I’d buy the Planning book &/or DVD. (The planning book is worth it either way, but if money is tight…)
Ok guys thanks so much that has helped for sure. I have downloaded and read most of the free ebooks and still feel like I need more, lol. I haven’t checked out the blog but will do that also.
I was also wondering if the Laying down the Rails is something that would be good since my ds is already 11. I didn’t know if it was mostly for training up a little one.
I will definetly be getting the two most suggested, All Day Seminar and Planning your CM Education.
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