Which one to start first?

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  • nerakr

    I’m adding, changing, or re-introducing several subjects for my fifth grader this year. We are restarting Writing 8s (Dianne Craft) after losing momentum mid year; I would like to add a SOAP Bible study for him (Managing Your Mouth for Kids and/or Kim Sorgius’ Obedience study); grammar 2x/wk (starting) and spelling (trying again); writing prompts 2x/wk. Which one should I introduced first? How long should I wait between “introductions?”




    Well, my preference would be to get the Bible going first.  That alone can make the rest of life go better, and it may be the single most valuable skill you can give him.  Then if he still has spelling issues, I’d really focus there.  Grammar can wait a bit, or even a year, and I’d think of gentle oral-to-written narration transition before adding a writing program or writing prompts (which I sometimes find silly.)  If you are still sold on the programs, they still can wait a bit while you really focus on the good habits (Scripture study) and the better spelling, which makes writing so very much easier.  


    Thanks, Bookworm. I wasn’t sure about the writing prompts. I may try grammar anyway and see how it goes.

    How long should I wait between introducing the two? Two weeks or so? Should I begin the Bible study daily or work up to that, doing every other day for awhile with our regular chronological readings on the other days?

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