Which Notebooking Pages? Help, Please!

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  • ServingwithJoy

    Hi Ladies,

    I would like to sample some of the pages at Notebookingpages.com to add to our Book of Centuries, but I am a bit confused about which ones to purchase. We are doing Simply CM Module 5. Can anyone tell me which History pages would fit the best with that unit? Thanks! Heather


    bump…anyone?? We are notebooking in an hour! Any guesses :0)?

    Rebekah P

    You could try renaissance and reform.  I think that would best suit your needs. 

    You could also try church history, famous poets, or artists, depending on what your working on.




    I think that you need the Modern history pages…it has pages for many many of the people discussed in the 1550-1850 time frame, plus the basic pages.  

    Rebekah P

    On second thought, I agree with Sheraz…I apologize if I steered you wrong!!!


    Thanks, ladies!

    The phrase, “Failure to plan on your part does not consitute an emergency on my part” occured to me as I was pleading for help there :). But thanks for taking on my problem…I am having a frantic kind of day!

    I agree on the Modern pages – I guess not seeing Columbus threw me off. But those look like the best fit overall.

    I appreciate it!


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