My oldest is stating 1st grade and I am really excited about CM education. We have been doing HOD this past year for Kingergarten and she and her younger brother (4.5) and really enjoying it. I have been going back and forth with continuing with HOD next year or SCM, I love the flexability of SCM but having nice little boxes of HOD is pretty nice 🙂 I am also not sure which module to start with.
Would it be best to start with 1? I only ask because with HOD we have been going through the history starting in Genesis. I know repeating is not a problem, and good, but looking over the books, there are fewer to slect from if your olests is in the early grades for module 1.
I had thought about starting with more recent history – modul 5 or 6; having something that she can really relate to. She likes to have me read the American Girl Books (some of her favorites right now) and talk about different periods of time that people lived. I didn’t know if starting with Module 5 or 6 was not a good idea though.
Is it really the best idea to start with module #1
June 10, 2012 at 9:55 pm
I don’t think that it matters too much as long as you go chronologically from there.
If you have more children later and end up with a bigger variety of ages,someone will have to start with a time period other than module one.
We just started last year with module 4 since my oldest was 9 yrs old. If I had known about SCM when my oldest was first grade I probably would have started with module 1.
We LOVE LOVE SCM! I have just spent the last week reading over SM’s methods and her approach to education. I believe it is the best form of educating children.
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