which module to start

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  • I have a question about where to go with history next year. We are in our 3rd year of homeschooling; I have 10yr old son, 4th grade, and 7 yr old daughter, 2nd grade. We started with K12, which follows SOTW for history, the ancients. 2nd year, we tried a different curriculum all together, so I thought we could do American history, my son is very interested in all our wars. 3rd year, I started looking at CM methods, and am doing about 75% of our schooling that way. I stuck with American history, using truthquest, and we are 2/3 done. My son will start 5th grade, and I am feeling panicked about not having done a complete cycle of world history, so we would be able to repeat it again. Also, CM would have us studying American and world at the same time, I think. I really enjoy CM methods, but have found myself needing a guide to help me, such as SCM or Ambleside.

    Having rambled on for far too long now, I guess I wonder what your suggestions would be as far as the history modules are concerned. Would you start at new module 1? Should I finish American first? Thanks

    Sonya Shafer

    Great question. A couple of ideas come to mind:

    1. If you’ve gotten past World War II, you could use this summer to do some family interviews that will catch him up to current day. For example, if he could talk with people who lived in the 50s and 60s (grandparent-range age), in the 70s and 80s (parent-range age), in the 90s and 2000s (college-range age). These could be great first-hand accounts of significant events and what life was like, hopefully with photographs! Real people could make those years come alive for him. Then you could start with new module 1 in the fall.
    2. If you’re not past World War II, you might want to take this coming year to finish American History, then start the history cycle when he’s in sixth grade. That would still give you six years to get through the cycle, plus an extra year to stop and linger in a time period along the way if you want to.
    3. If he’s getting tired of American History, might as well start new module 1 this fall.

    I wouldn’t worry about going through the whole cycle only once with him. If he’s interested, he’ll absorb it just fine. And if you keep his spark of interest alive, he’ll keep learning about history his whole life (like we all do). Just enjoy the one cycle you do get through.

    Anyway, those are just a couple of suggestions that come to mind first off. Hopefully, others will give you some more possibilities.

    What a great idea to interview some of our family members. Thank you for your ideas and encouragement. This is all unchartered territory for me; I am so glad to have people like yourself who will share your experience with those like me.

    We aren’t quite to WW I yet, and so will have a little ways to go to start world history maybe by the middle of 5th grade. Thanks again.

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