Which history to choose??

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  • Tjbowman34

    There are SO many history choices out there and I simply cannot choose!  Please save me from myself and help me decide! LOL!  What is your favorite history?  And why? I prefer to do history as a family with my 14, 11, 10 and 9 year old.


    Oh my, can I ever relate!  After years of looking at and trying many combinations of Sonlight, Beautiful Feet, Lessons From History, SCM, and maybe some things I’ve forgotten now… I have settled into SCM for most everything.  The only thing I’m holding out on still is “literature”.  I still have most of my Sonlight books, and since they were well loved by my oldest, I use whichever SL books are not included in SCM history, as literature.  I use then as family read alouds or assign the ones I’m not willing to have them miss, and put the rest on a shelf or in a basket for them to choose from… And we call it lit!

    As I said in another recent post, the more I go with SCM just as planned, the easier my life gets and the more we enjoy school because we can just do it instead of continually trying to figure it all out.  My big reasons for settling into this plan are: SCM is set up for easily doing with the whole family and the guides and other products they sell are VERY reasonably priced, concise and SIMPLE,  the amount of work scheduled is very doable, and they sseekto choose a reasonable number of the very best books to read… And the reason I’m not willing to completely forego SL is that we really appreciate the way they deliberately choose books to illustrate both sides of the issues, not just the one they consider right.  My husband and I see this as being important to a good education and start in life.


    I would definitely go with SCM to meet your goals for your family. It is the most open and go and gives you a nice doable schedule that you can add to whenever you like instead of burdening you with so many choices that you never feel as if you can get it all done.

    I haven’t actually used SCM however because I didn’t discover it until a few years ago when I was already down to homeschooling one older child. I think it’s perfect for family study but is a little much to purchase and go through for one child in middle school and highschool, especially since I was already so used to doing my own thing.

    I’ve always said that SCM would be my choice if I had multiple ages so that we could learn together as a family. We always did history as a family and then I sent my oldest off to read additional biographies and living history books, much the way SCM history recommends.



    Thanks ladies!  I believe I am going to go with SCM, after reading your points, it just makes the most sense!


    I will add my feedback!  This year was my first year with SCM!  I did their history, geography(Visits To…), bible as well as all the living books suggested & The Stuff They Left Behind pack!  We really loved it!  This year I was really considering another History, mainly because I was interested in adding in a few fun activities and so many of the other curriculums had some of those already included!  I can’t say I won’t ever try another History!  However, I decided to do SCM again because I really like that is well thought out and a reasonable amount!  It will be easy for me to add in extras of whatever we are interested in exploring further!  I like the pace and we love the Visits to… along with all the the pictures in the Stuff They Left Behind! Also, we love Hungry Planet & Material World to help us get a good feel and visualization of what people in the areas are like today!  I don’t feel like there is too much and nothing feels like busy work!  I know there are some who really like Truth Quest and some who like Beautiful Feet!  I think there is some great commentary, discussion questions and additional living books with some of them and I like that a lot!  I may wind up using some of that in the future!   I’ve already ordered most of my SCM stuff for next year and have it sitting in a big pile on the desk in my room!  It’s so fun planning for the next year and a little overwhelming!  I’m always glad when the researching is over and the ordering is done!  Hoping you have a clarity about what makes sense for you and your family and that you all really enjoy the journey next year 🙂


    Jessica Voges

    This thread is so encouraging!  We’ve only used 1 term of SCM history so far and plan to continue it next year, but hearing others talk about using it and enjoying it is so encouraging!  We’ve been homeschooling for 9 years and I really hope SCM is something we can stick with.


    It’s me again ? ! I will have an 8th grader next year, how am I going to fit all SCM 6 cycles in for him in only 5 years? What would that look like?

    Jessica Voges

    You can combine the first 2 guides. You would need to do a Bible Lesson and a History lesson each day.


    So combine Ancient Egypt and Ancient Greece along with Genesis – Deut. and Joshua – Malachi?  That seems like a lot, could you please give me an example?  I’m a visual gal!  LOL


    Yes, you could combine two years of Ancients!  It would be up to you what to leave out or what lessons to combine! We actually just finished Ancient Egypt and we are combining Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome this next year.  I am okay with it taking more than a year and I won’t be breaking it down and planning for another week or two so I’m still not sure what I am working with yet!   I plan to combine some map work in Visits to which will shave some lessons off.  We don’t  do the Make Your Map lessons also, mainly because my kids don’t care for them.  Some kids, on the other hand, may love that part!  I may chose not to cover everything!  I may also choose to combine a bible and history lesson!  I’m just not sure yet!  My kids are younger though so maybe some parents of older kiddos will chime in and give some valuable feedback as to how they did it!   There are several ways you could do it!

    Joanne Downing

    following this one as in a similar position…..xxx

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