which history module


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  • tamaralynn

    Hello, I’m a frustrated mommy right now.  I have been hs my 6 yo old for about 3 months.  I decided at xmas break to pull my 3rd grader out of public school.  I bought Konos which I do love all the progects and teaching moments.  But its become very boring and quite frustrating for my 3rd gradertoo. I know its a change for all of us.  Two boys fighting for my attention(single mom) Anyway, I’ve decided to switch to SCM.  I feel alot better about this and I will be use Konos for ideas and so forth.  I need to help deciding which module for history.  My 3rd grader wants to do American history.  But he hasnt had any learning on biblical history from the beginning except from reading the bible.  In my mind I keep thinking I have to start from the beginning with both of them. But it would be a little more expence for me.  If I did 5 which alot of people have suggested it would cost less for me right now.  Regardless I want to make the right choice on a history period.  My 6 yo just absorbs anything he’s taught so that’s not a problem either.  Thanks for listening and responding


    You want them both together… but overall it doesn’t matter where you start.  A lot of people suggest starting at the beginning… but when doing a family together, it is more common for most of the children to start somewhere else.

    For example, right now I have an 8yo, a 6yo, a 3yo, and a 18mo old…

    So, assuming we had started with SCM at the beginning…. (we didn’t – but assume for now)…

    When my oldest would have started at age 6, assuming we started at the beginning – we would do Module 1

    The next year, he would be 7, doing Module 2

    The next year, he would be 8, the next would be 6 – doing Module 3… so she started at module 3

    Next year they are 9 and 7 – doing Module 4

    Next year: 10, 8 – doing Module 5

    Next year, 11, 9, 6 – doing Module 6 – so the next child started at module 6

    Next year: 12, 10, 7 – doing Module 1

    Next year:13, 11, 8, 6 – doing Module 2 – so the next child started at module 2

    So for my 4 kids, they would start at modules 1, 3, 6, and 2….   so only 1 of them would have started at the beginning….  

    So if you want to do US History, and it would be the least expensive to start with – why not?

    The only thing you might want to consider, is if you did each module 1 a year, will there be any issues of when US History falls for your child’s high school courses?

    There really isn’t a reason why you should not start with American History. Starting chronologically is basically starting with Genesis. You could always read from the Bible or a story-Bible chronologically for your Bible study time. You’d miss out on some Egypt stuff, but frankly, that’s not that huge a deal. American History is much more fun (so are the Greeks and Romans for that matter, imo), so that’s what I would go with if I were in your position.


    I would start with American History and read a Bible Storybook. No problem to get in both.


    I was going to suggest what Sue said.  My youngest (age 7 – 1st grade) is pretty bored studing Ancient History.  We just started hs’ing last year (I have 8th, 6th, & 4th graders too).  Last year we used MFW (My Father’s World) and used the Exploring Countries & Cultures materials so we didn’t have any history last year.  I figured I’d better start at the beginning for the sake of my oldest.  So here we are studying Ancient Egypt.  My children are doing fine, but I wouldn’t say they are too excited about ancient stuff.  I think American History is definitely better for the little ones, so I’d do something with American History and then read bible stories.  I have the Catherine Vos Bible Storybook (I think that is what it’s called).  Also, I’d say you wouldn’t even need to purchase a Module at this point either.  Find some things you’d like to study and look for books at your library.  Christopher Columbus, Lewis & Clark, different presidents, etc.  You can just pick and choose at that age and go with it.  If you really want to have a book list, I think that Truthquest one looks nice.  I was just looking at them the other day and think they look neat.  You can print a sample on their website and see what you think and try it out.  From what I’ve read here, a lot of people use them in conjunction with the SCM modules.  Hope this helps you! 🙂

    P.S.  Just to clarify, here is the Catherine Vos’ Story Bible (mine is actually blue and I think I got it at CBD this fall)


    You can download a sample of the SCM guides too, to help you decide if you want one or not…. you can see the entire resource list (which is also on the website) – the resource list for term 1, what is covered each week in term 1, and the first so-many lessons (might vary from module to module – I think it is around 20 lessons) – so you can get a good idea if it might work for you or not…. and if you are going to buy the printed version, you can start while waiting for it to get to you!

    Being able to look at the samples helped me decide a) that I wanted to do the SCM module, and b) where I wanted to start…  (well, with some general advice here…)

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