Which handicrafts for 6 and under?

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  • April

    I am wondering what handicrafts are appropriate for 6 yr olds?? How long to you focus on one?  Any tips, blog posts, etc on methods or ideas would be greatly apprieciated.  TIA


    Great topic. I could use some help here too! Hopefully you’ll get some great ideas. I’m tagging along so I can listen in. Smile


    Mkay, DUH!  Did a pinterest search and how could I forget that one of my favorite blogs has a kid’s section???  A couple of the things I saw were “pea & stick” (or whatever it is CM called it…you know, the throw away stuff)  BUT mostly really great ideas!  And what I am most excited about is just on the first three pages I saw a TON of ideas for fun boy projects!  Hooray!  super excited!!  Here’s the link:




    Oh and PS  even on the one that I did see that was sort of a throw away project (a watermelon paper fan out of a paper plate), it gave a fun fact about the world record in a watermelon seed spitting contest being 68′ 9″!!  I’m sure my kids would love that!  Plus, you could get a tape measure and see how far that is, ask how far they think they could go…can you tell I’m really, really excited now??? lol




    Looks like lots of good stuff to sort through! 🙂

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